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Alaska Anchorage Mission

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Stories: Baptism in Tok

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Baptism in Tok 12 Feb 2008
We had tracted the entire town and met a lady and her husband living in a 250 square foot home. Her name was Sister Beiers and knew the Bible backwards and forwards. She had never been baptized and recognized that as an important final step to her doing what the Bible required. We taught her the gospel and she was ready for baptism. As all of you know, there is no flowing water at 40 below and no church near enough so Dick Malchow (a non member) built a font out of wood. To hold the water he lined it with plastic and we heated water from the stove and threw it inside. Sister Beiers and I had to climb in over the side, it was actually fairly warm. After she was baptized she came out of the water and said, "I'm finally right with God". While I remember that day, the thing I have feelings about the most is Dick Malchow who ironically built a font to save another. I hope someone can do the same for him one day.
Michael Lamoreaux Send Email

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