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us/france .. 20 Mar 2003
i have the time magazine in front of me and it appears that i do not have the article you're on about ..maybe it is because i have the EUROPEAN edition of it !
and i agree with Gilles Francois and what he said and also with Sébastien Penninck : i've had great american comps and i love them to bits too :)
Michele Caussé Send Email
relations-suivi 20 Mar 2003
I recommend the KBYU? documentary "Saints at War" for a gospel perspective on things. It discusses WWII. Also the 3/24 issue of TIME magazine on the last page has an interesting historical essay by Charles Krauthamer
Ted Buckwalter Send Email
relations franco-américaines 20 Mar 2003
I'm so proud to be member of this church. The Lord knows exactly what he does through our beloved prophet. He's guiding us on the right path. I'm so sad to hear that the relations between our countries are kind of severed. I am thankful for all the nice companions and friends that I've had on my mission et même si vous aimez plus les français moi je vous aime quand même, OK?
Sébastien Penninck Send Email
Relations franco-américaines 20 Mar 2003
Hi everyone!
First of all , please know that I am in no way speaking in the name of France, its people nor its governement. I would assume also the same from contributors to this forum from the other side of the Atlantic...
I feel sick to my stomach when I realize how politicians can influence the minds of otherwise good-minded people. I wish to make a few comments in this message board:
(1) International relations don't care about history: please remember that. Friends and foes are volatile concepts here. Osama was used by the American intelligence in the 70s and 80s, he is now the second most wanted man on this planet.
(2) I don't think France owes anything to the US. Every US foreign intervention has always been calculated to serve its interests, so are French foreign interventions.
(3) I am so tired of people claiming the principle of reciprocity is the golden rule. Come on guys! Have you read the NEW Testament or are you still living the Law of Moses? Some opinions I see and hear expressed around are so far from the idea of Christianity I have.

"They draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me, they teach for doctrines the commandments of men, having a form of godliness, but they deny the power thereof." One could easily believe this was just written yesterday...

Peace to all.
Gilles FRANCOIS Send Email
US-France relations 20 Mar 2003
Before adding France to any kind of unfortunate list, the motivation and quality of Pres. Bushs policy should be on the test stand and then one might want to put his administration on some kind of an unfortunate list.

However this is not a political forum. My short contribution is only meant as direct answer to a previous message.
Jonathan Thomas Scheible Send Email
U.S.-France Relations 19 Mar 2003
Although it makes me sad that we don't have better relations with France, as long as we are still free to preach the gospel to the wonderful people who live there, I will be happy. The mission was tough, but I met a lot of good people who will be my eternal friends.
Jeannie Baumann Send Email
us-france relations 19 Mar 2003
Add France to the unfortunate list of countries who have benefited from US intervention, only to turn and deride the forces that provided them the freedom to criticize.
Kurt D Christensen Send Email
Re: France-US Relations 17 Mar 2003
Well, whatever happens it is nothing that can't be salvaged by sitting down over a nice warm Brioche Suisse together.
Trevor DeVore Send Email
France-US Relations 17 Mar 2003
What do you all think will be the future of France/US relations?
Kendon Isaac Howard Send Email
Reunion 08 Mar 2003
Hey guys its Glanville here! As many of you know i'm coming stateside for 3 weeks from the 28th March to 21st April. I was just wandering if anyone knows a website i can check out to see if there would be greyhound coaches from Corvallis in Oregon to Provo coz i'd love to come to the reunion but can't drive!!
Luke Pascoe Glanville Send Email

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