Greece Athens

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About Sis. Muntzing 20 Sep 2003
Hello! I would like to contact Anahi Muntzing who lives in Utah. I think she got married, but the email she had before is not working any more. Does anyone of you know about her?? Please, let me know.
Maria Jose Guillen Mandar Mensaje
Engaged 27 Aug 2003
Hey all,

I thought I'd let any of you that are interested know that I'm getting married September 13th. We're having a reception that night in Provo at 1050 North 1050 West from 7:00-9:00 for any of you who would like to attend.

Take care,

Jared Huff Mandar Mensaje
In Greece next week... 12 Jul 2003
Hi everyone,
I will be in Athens next week for a few days. You may contact me if you would like me to pass a message to someone there...
Gilles François Mandar Mensaje
wedding cancelled 10 Jul 2003
This is a sad message: Youri and I won't get married. It is a decision we made together and we know it is the right one.
I am gratefull for the Gospel and what it mean to me, for my Savior and Heavenly Father who listen and answer to our prayers.
Sara Squarcia Mandar Mensaje
We are going to USA 19 Jun 2003
To everybody that knows us, Yolanda and I (Elder Lara) are going to be in California the 1st of August, and the 11th we will be in Utah, for more info contact us through this site. We will be happy to meet you all.

Elder Lara
Josef Hans R Lara Mandar Mensaje
I've had my call!! 09 Jun 2003
I received my call last wednesday, I've been called to Greece AThens mission. I'm going to the MTC in Provo on 12th August. I'm excited and know that its what I am here on Earth to do. I dont kow much bout missionary work or Greece itself. If anyone could send me any experiences or information it would be much appreciated.
Jared Stephen Mills Mandar Mensaje
church archivives 30 May 2003
I received a letter too. I sent an e-mail but I am still waiting for an answer from them.
Théophile Antoine André Frémery Mandar Mensaje
Chruch archives 30 May 2003
I received the same letter, wrote an e-mail to the sender in order to get more detailed information on how to proceed and have not received an answer yet.
Hendrik Jensen Mandar Mensaje
Reunions 28 May 2003
Hey ya'll,
Gee, I guess ya'll don't want a reunion or something because none are posted. Anyway no prob. if someone want's to meet up with me over the summer we can work something out. The doors are always open down here in Mississippi.
Jeremy Hozhoni Sherman Mandar Mensaje
church archives 28 May 2003
Jeff Easter wrote: "I recently received a letter from a church archivist who has requested that I send him any letters, journal entries, or publications that I may have regarding the church in Greece. Has anybody else reveived such a letter?"

Yes, I received such a letter, too. (I haven't done anything about it yet, though.)
Philip Christopher Newton Mandar Mensaje
church archives 19 May 2003
I recently received a letter from a church archivist who has requested that I send him any letters, journal entries, or publications that I may have regarding the church in Greece. Has anybody else reveived such a letter? I thought it would be good to spread the word in the event that anyone would have something to contribute and hadn't heard that the church wants it. If you want more information, feel free to e-mail me for details.

Jeff Easter
Jeff Easter Mandar Mensaje
Cheap Hotel 14 May 2003
I will be in Greece in July 2003 and I would like to know if anyone of you who returned to greece would know a good and not too expensive hotel at Athens ? Also, could anyone write me about the church situation in the country and organization nowdays ?
Fabrice Pierre Gonthier Mandar Mensaje
Why Utah? 14 Apr 2003
Hi ya'll why do we need to have a reunion in Utah lets shoot for someplace cool like Florida where there is actually something to do. Not everyone lives in or near Utah, Arizona, Idaho, and Nevada. So lets try another reunion spot not Mississippi though.
Jeremy Hozhoni Sherman Mandar Mensaje
Athens 2004 04 Apr 2003
I am a member in Salt Lake that provided corporate transportation for many companies during the Olympics in 2002 and am possibly looking to do the same during the Athens Olympics. If anyone is interested please let me know. It would be a great way to have a reunion at my expense and make some decent money to boot. Anyway, I hope to hear from you.

R. Russell Ridge
President - 5 Star Transportation
Russell Ridge Mandar Mensaje
reunion 12 Feb 2003
I think Athens would be a fun place. Especially since we all served there plus that is where the church is most established. It`ll be great to see all of you plus all the members down there.
Daniel Mattsson Mandar Mensaje
Reunions 11 Feb 2003
I'll create a poll on the website so people can vote on where they'd like to have a reunion.
David Hammond Mandar Mensaje
vote 11 Feb 2003
Let us vote, let us send some messages and check the places the people is asking for. We have at the moment 5:
Which one is your favourite?
Any other idea?
Josef Hans R Lara Mandar Mensaje
Reunion ideas 11 Feb 2003
Hi all,

Philip Newton suggested that we could try Cyprus. I'm all for that. I was there for ages, and would love to go back. It would be boiling hot too.

We could even go out of season and still get some sun.

Everyone who went there while serving would surely love to go back, and all those that didn't would probably like to see what they missed.

I bet those American types would be really jealous too.

And just think, we could all go to Agia Napa!

Er, maybe not then.

Richard Joseph Bushnell Mandar Mensaje
Reunion 11 Feb 2003
Of course everyone would favour Greece as the place for the reuion. On the other hand, I think it should be the place where the most people would come to.
I thought of Frankfurt as well with same arguments as Gilles, plus: cheap accomodation could probably be organised in the hostel of the temple for quite a few people.
oh and I would be willing to help Richard organize it ;-)
Hendrik Jensen Mandar Mensaje
Réunion 09 Feb 2003
What about Frankfurt?
This is central in Europe, RyanAir flies there, and and there is a Temple too!
Of course we are far from Greece, but there are many Greek restaurants here.
I still favor more Richard's idea to have it in Greece...
Gilles François Mandar Mensaje
REUNION 04 Feb 2003
EVERYBODY!!!!, let´s give some ideas of when to meet and where in EUROPE, my idea is 2004 in Greece or somewhere central in europe that we can get those cheap easyjet flights. Read teh messages posted and give your ideas adding a message on the board.

Josef Hans R Lara Mandar Mensaje
European Reunion 2 02 Feb 2003
Dear all,

I would be happy to help organise another European reunion. It takes quite a bit of organising, but it is worth it. Our last one in Greece was great.

I don't particularly care where we hold it. The problem is that everyone wants to have it in their own country, so I figure somewhere neutral is best, like Greece.

Here are some reasons to hold it in Greece:

1. It's always nice to see the missionaries serving there and give them some encouragement. I think they enjoyed us going and playing soccer with them last time.

2. It's also good for showing family what it was like there, and for reminding yourself of what a good time you had while serving :)

3. It gives you a chance to see how the Church is developing in Greece. I hear it is doing better at the moment, so it would be nice to see it.

4. You get a chance to remember some Greek, which is always difficult when you aren't there.

I would do it again, if someone volunteered to help this time. I think 2004 would be best, but the Olympics might get in the way a bit.

PS. If anyone has a few million they want to donate to the cause, we could always go see the Olympics together :)
Richard Joseph Bushnell Mandar Mensaje
Reunion 01 Feb 2003
(a) Someone has to organise it (and I'm not volunteering)
(b) It's best planned fairly long in advance. For example, some people have to plan their holidays for the year in January.
So a reunion in 2004 is more likely than one in 2003. But I agree that it would be nice to have another European reunion, perhaps next year.
Maybe in Greece again. Or Switzerland or France (reasonably central?) or wherever.
Philip Christopher Newton Mandar Mensaje
REUNION 31 Jan 2003


I give you one, let´sdo it in Spain, he he
Josef Hans R Lara Mandar Mensaje
Marry Christmas 05 Dec 2002
I just wanted to wish everyone a Marry Christmas and happy New Year.

Take Care.

Benjamin Nordahl Andersen Mandar Mensaje
Greek Festival 05 Sep 2002
The annual Salt Lake City Greek Festival is going to be Sept 6, 7, and 8 at the Greek Orthodox Church in downtown SLC (approx. 300 W 300 S). Hope to see you there.
David Hammond Mandar Mensaje
Hello everyone 31 Mar 2002
Hi everybody!

I just stumbled upon this webpage and I hope this will help me keep in touch with all you rm's who've forgotten me. Don't worry though because I forgive you all for not trying to contact me ;) I have been lousy at keeping in touch with people myself.

Anyway, if any of you guys feels like sending me an e-mail or something, just do it. I won't bite.

Dimitri Provias Mandar Mensaje
Early Reunion? 11 Mar 2002
This is a (partial) repeat of the message I posted today on the other GAM website --

I will be in the SLC area for part of my Spring Break from Friday 22nd March to Tuesday 26th March. I plan to spend the first half in SLC and the second half in Provo. My time will be somewhat limited, but I'd love to see all of you I can while I'm out there -- probably best in bunches! Let me know your best times, and we'll try to get a schedule coordinated.

By the way, check out the brand new "Diakiryiksi gia tin Oikogeneia" (Proclamation on the Family) in PDF format from the Church website! (works better with IE, but I can show you how to get it through netscape too).
Christopher Anton Rytting Mandar Mensaje
April reunion 11 Mar 2002
Please check the "Reunions" link for an upcoming reunion on April 5 in Salt Lake.
David Hammond Mandar Mensaje

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