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Stories: One Crazy Day!

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One Crazy Day! 27 Jul 2002
Does anyone remember the day Marc went to marry Angelina? I was just thinking about the events of that day. Remember the Kekchi men who chopped the big Ceiba tree down over the road between Teleman and Canlun? Elder Moore and I were traveling with the "Bien Estar" sisters out to Canlun to do some training. We were in the back of a jalon when we saw the tree smash into the road. It busted this water main and soon, the road was not only blocked, but it was flooded. The whole day, the road was backed up for MILES!! When they finally cleared the road, it was a like a dust storm - especially with all the buses going 100+ mph! Remember the story of the crazy gunmen who shot at them just outside of Tac-Tic? I remember Marc's dad showing me the bullets and bullet holes in the car. I think one of the passenger's head was grazed by a bullet. Remember that HUGE rainstorm that night? I think the road between Teleman and Senahu was washed out because of it. If I remember correctly, they had to get to Senahu via La Tinta/Santo Domingo. What a crazy day!
Don Putnam Send Email

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