
I haven't checked these links in a while, but will try to clean it up eventually.

Italian Stuff

Official pagine bianche for Italy. submitted by Daniela Battezzato.
Infospace is another place to look up indirizzi e numeri telefonici. submitted by Daniela Battezzato.
Italian Postal Codes submitted by David Pimentel
Sal Velluto's Art Soup: A website dedicated to one of the most famous LDS comic book artists, a dude from Taranto. Remo Mattei, webmaster. Home of Sal Velluto's Art Soup.
Learn to Speak Italian - slow, corny, and not always grammatically correct . . . but sorta fun if you're bored. From the makers of Ragu spaghetti sauce. Here's a sample clip (eggplant head, 42k .au).

Church Stuff

Alumni site for those who served under Presidente Gambarotto - maintained by Patti Adams.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - official site
institute of the Puglia Stake
Mission.Net - info about mission alumni pages
Italian Missionary Association official site - maintained by Mike Hendriksen
Italy Rome Mission Alumni - maintained by Adam Bayless
Italy Padova Mission Alumni - maintained by Mike Felix
Italy Milan Mission Alumni - maintained by Mark Scoville - Lesley Symons' website on the Church in Malta
LDS Italia: il primo sito in italiano dedicato agli amici della Chiesa di Gesu' Cristo e dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni. Created by Max D'Ambrosio and friends.
Deseret's Best LDS Web Sites - You may find something useful here.