
We Need Your Support

As Mission.net continues to grow, we need the help of those of you with experience in programming using PHP or PERL. Our sites also require quite a bit of time spent in the area of System Administration (Linux and NT); including Network Security and Database Maintenance.

The LDS Mission Network is completely run by volunteers. We've provided this service for free and would like to continue to do so. We don't offer much, besides comraderie, friendship, and a bundle of knowledge. If you are willing to accept these terms, take a look through the following openings, and let us know:

How to volunteer

Your Information

Your Name:

E-mail Address:

Languages spoken:

Your Abilities

Which of the following areas would you be able to volunteer in? What is your level of knowledge? Please comment on if / how you may be able to contribute in the following areas:

Example:I rate myself as an excellend MySQL admin

Database Administration

Systems Administration: (Linux and/or NT)

Perl Programming:

PHP Programming:

Layout / Graphic Design:

Webmaster: (site enforcement)

Public Relations:

Legal Counsel:


How much spare time do you have? What are your competing commitments? (We probably have many of the same commitments as you!) Anything else you'd like to tell us?

Nem este site (mission.net), nem qualquer página de ex-missionários listada aqui, tem relação-- explicita ou implicita-- com A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias nem com nenhuma de suas entidades legais.

Copyright © 1996-2024 por mission.net / ldsmissions.net. Todos os Direitos Reservados. Condições de Uso