Trouble Shooting Questions


What should I do with a Spam Notice I receive via email?

IP addresses of all postings are logged. To view the IP address of a specific item (profile, message, picture, etc...), simply view that item while you are logged in as the site administrator. The IP address will be listed near the bottom of the record.

SIB does not allow non-registered users to send multiple emails with similar content. Each time a non-registered user sends an email through your site, the text of the message is stored. If they then attempt to send a similar message to another member of your site, the email will be flagged as being possible SPAM, and will not be sent. NOTE: webmasters will only will receive the warning message if the users message wasn't sent. If the user is logged in, they will not get the option to send you the SPAM message - but the email WILL be sent. They will be warned though that they are sending multiple emails that are very similar - and that their actions have been logged. The only time an email will NOT get sent if a user is logged in is if they send the same message to the same person two times. In that case - they are then given the option to send it anyway. If the user feels that the message they are sending is not SPAM, then they can click a button which will submit an email to notifying us of their situation.

The following message template could be helpful in giving you ideas on how to communicate with users who have inadvertently been "caught" by this SPAM prevention measure:

Dear sir/madam,

I am the site administrator for the ___________ Mission Alumni Website. We recently received a notice that you attempted to send an email through the site and it was blocked because it was thought to be junk email. We apologize for this error. This functionality was built to prevent solicitors from abusing the system.

There are a couple ways for you to remedy this issue:

1. The best way is for you to register on the site. If you are a registered user of the website, you can send as many messages you would like to other members of the website.
2. You can also post your message to the guestbook. This will allow multiple returned missionaries to view your comments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to my email [].

-Your Name

The above email is only an example, and each email you send out to users of your site should be written with their specific situation in mind.Back to Top

Why can't I approve a comment that I received via email?

When someone submits a comment to your site, you wouldread it in your email program. Comments are not sent to the site for approval, they are only sent to the webmasters email id. Guestbook entries are submitted to the site for approval. Back to Top

Can registered users block emails from certain individuals?

There is no way to block individual users from sending email through the system. Just tell the user to filter the emails received into the trash bin.Back to Top

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