For the past several days, all mission alumni web sites have been unavailable while the team made necessary repairs and upgrades to the system. We discovered security-related issues when unauthorized individuals recently attempted to access some administrative functions of

Because usernames and passwords may have been stolen, and to improve our ability to maintain the security of personal information, the team has upgraded a number of the "behind-the-scenes" functions of the system. This is so that future attempts by unauthorized persons to access administrative areas will be unsuccessful.

If your mission alumni site uses the popular Site In a Box software, the next time you log in to your mission's alumni site, you will need to reset your password. It is very simple to do this:

  1. Go to your profile at your alumni site:
  2. Click "Edit Profile", then click the "Request Password" link on the login form.
    The system will generate a temporary password and send it to you via e-mail.
  3. Once you receive the email containing your temporary password, please log into your profile immediately and change the password to something you will be able to remember. For security reasons, our system now requires passwords to have at least 6 characters, and must contain at least one alphabetical character and one numerical character or one or more of these non-traditional characters: ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ).

If you have questions or problems, please contact your webmaster.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Security threats are always changing. Our team of dedicated volunteers is doing its best to stay ahead of them. To help provide quality services, please consider donating or volunteering:

Thank you, Admin Team

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