Stories: Elder Stringham missionary moment

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Elder Stringham missionary moment 25 Jan 2006
Elder Stringham wrote this missionary moment to me a while ago: “One morning after study we were leaving to go tracting not knowing before hand where we were going to tract. I offered the companionship prayer before leaving and in the prayer I specifically used these words in Russian, >> Heavenly Father, this is Your work and we need Your help. Please guide us to someone who is ready to hear the gospel so that we can teach them <<. We left the apartment, got on the trolleybus, got off at a random stop, walked down a street where there were a lot of Dome’s and we picked a Dome that we both felt good about, and we went to the top floor. The first door we set up a discussion appointment and were asked to come back later. The second door we were invited in and we set up a first discussion appointment. It was a small family with mother, father, a twelve year old boy and a two year old little girl. The Dad didn’t want to listen to us; the Mom loved us but didn’t want to change her lifestyle. The boy, Kirill, was a smart twelve year old and he loved the Bible and loved to talk about Christ. We had great conversations with him and he was interested in the church. We taught the first discussion, we told him about Joseph Smith and gave him a Book of Mormon with certain passages for him to read. He said he would read them and pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. We came back and he had read some of the Book of Mormon and he had a lot of questions and he said he liked the book a lot. He said he hadn’t prayed yet but that he would. The next time we came back, he said he had prayed and that he had received an answer! He had had a dream! >>In the dream, he saw the church building in Donetsk and he saw a man standing at the doors. He noticed the man was holding a book that read on the cover – Kniga Mormona. He asked the man who he was and he replied, Jospeh Smith. Kirill asked him if the Book of Mormon was true and if the church was true. He said the man answered and said – Yes, this is the Church of Jesus Christ and this is where you belong <<. I was amazed when he was telling us this and the Spirit was really strong. I told him that he had received an incredible answer to his prayer and I testified that the church was true. I was able to baptize him and he later received the priesthood and began passing the sacrament. His Mom came to church with him sometimes and was so proud of him. He shared his testimony in church after his baptism and he was really smart in Sunday School class. I believe he will become a great leader in the church in Ukraine. His parents never came around but hopefully they will.
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