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 | Elder Scott Leigh Vanatter Contact Info Hidden - Login
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http://scottvanatter.blogspot.com | | Presidents: Earl C. Tingey (1973 - 1976) | Served: 1973 - 1975 | Areas Served: (see below) | Companions: Randall Kerry Reynolds | Your Occupation: COO | Spouse: Becky Vanatter | Comments:
- St. Mary's - Elder Allen (2 months)
- Canberra (Holt?) - Elder Reynolds (3 months)
- Canberra (Rivett?) - Elder Wayman, Elder Burgeson, Elder Horne (3 months)
- Normanhurst/Mt.Colah - Elder Nelson, Elder Sperry, Elder Metcalf (6 months)
- "Paxton"/Wollstonecraft - Elder Lystrup, Elder Chadwick (6 months)
- Lake Illawara/Wollongong - Elder Rasmussen (3 months)
- We moved to Virginia in 1989 (20 miles west of Washington DC).
- FYI: Elder Randy Lutz and also Elder Scott Thomas lived in our ward (Irvine) in southern California for several years.
- I still see Elders Darrell Allen, Wilf Blum, John Metcalf, and keep in touch with others via the "Christmas letter."
- Our oldest daughter (Carrie) is married, our youngest daughter (Sydney) served in the Colorado Denver North Mission (April 2001), and is now married.
- I enjoy keeping in touch with several people via this Mission web page.
- We are now the proud grandparents of 6 grandchildren.
Created: 05 Mar 2001 Modified: 20 Jan 2016 |
Last Login: 20 Jan 2016 09:57:24 AM |
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"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord's work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."