Comments: Companions:
Koby Mitchell (MTC) David Hoover (trainer), Cody McCoy, Andy Pereira, Nef (for one week), Dencil Gold, Ian Wright (second trainer), Jared Jensen (adopted son), Feik (trainee), Scott Douglas Anderson (2 weeks), Dustin Clouse (border patrolman), Drake Mailes (trainee) Jordan Lott, Justin Mace (trainee)
Other favorites: Motuliki, Shill, Harrison, Jeremy Rife, Jeremy Charlesworth, Jayson Ashby, Gary Rasmussen, Josh Anderson (lover of Bobas), Romeril, Tyson Thomas, Joesph Williams, Sister Travis, Kevin Hall, Cody Barker, Heaps, Zach Nelson, Standing, Mower, Sister Nichols, Oscar Henry Collin Lucke III, Groesbeck, Chambers, Ah Wong, Tyler Newbold, Sister Patterson, Nate Romney, Schupple, Brinkeroff (Lusty Stallions for life), Derek Lee, Robinson, Landon Boogaard, Dane Reheis, Daniel Hess (Go Jazz)
If I forgot anyone I'm sorry! And there's no Troy Evans or Terrence Carlson from Alaska on my list they sent me home with, what the heck is that about? |