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Jan And Moriah Heppies

(Jan 1993 - Jan 1995)


"Hello everyone!! We have enjoyed reading everyones bios and thought we should update ours. It is Nov.2001 by the way. We've been home 6 years in December--does that seem possible? and we've been married 5 1/2 years. We have a wonderful little son named Benjamin who was born March 29th, 2001. Jan graduated from BYU School of Music in April 1997 and is currently teaching private violin students. Moriah graduated from ASU in Accounting in May 2000 and is now working for the state as an Auditor. He plans to take the CPA exam in the next year or so. We are glad to hear everyone made it through mission life and are doing pretty normal things. :) Write to us--we would love to hear from you. "
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