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Larry Burkett

(Aug 1966 - Aug 1968)


"The date of this post is July 8, 2001.
I served in the Western Canadian Mission with Presidents J. Talmage Jones, and Brian Espenschied from 1966 - 1968. The mission home was in Calgary, Alberta and the mission then included part of B.C., all of Alberta, all of Saskatchedwan and all of the Northwest Territories. What a huge place it was.

Since I served half my mission in Saskatchewan I'm posting to this mission site. It seems they are ignoring Saskatchewan on the Calgary Canada Mission site.
I served in Regina during fall-winter 1966 and twice in Saskatoon fall-winter 1967 and summer 1968.

When I served in Regina there was one small branch. In July 2000 my wife and I traveled from our home in East Texas to
Regina to visit old friends we are still in contact with. What a great experience to attend Sacrament Meeting in a Stake Center
and to visit the sacred Regina Temple. While your missionary efforts in an area may seem like a small drop in a
big ocean, be assured that the Lord's work is moving forward and under his direction we are building Zion."

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