LDSMN Administration

Craig Harman
  Branch and Root Genealogy
  Greater Hartford, CT
Mission Served
  France Paris (1992-1994)
  French, German, others...
Formal Education
  BSE: Princeton University, 1991
  MS: Brigham Young University, 1999
  Certificate in Genealogical Research: Boston University, 2024
Current Church Calling

Co-founder,; first president, LDS Mission Network

Maintained all of the following mission sites [bold = creator of site]:
France Paris, Mexico Chihuahua, Colombia Barranquilla, Montana Billings, South Dakota Rapid City, France Toulouse, Utah Provo, Arizona Phoenix, Germany Hamburg, Indiana Indianapolis, Ecuador Quito, Switzerland Geneva, Costa Rica San Jose, Missouri St. Louis, Florida Ft. Lauderdale, Illinois Chicago North, Nevada Las Vegas West, Utah Salt Lake City South, Brazil Campinas, Guatemala Guatemala City Central, Nebraska Omaha, Tennessee Knoxville, Oregon Eugene, Dominican Republic Santo Domingo East, El Salvador San Salvador East, Armenia Yerevan, Madagascar Antananarivo, Nigeria Ibadan, Nigeria Uyo, California Fresno, Nevada Las Vegas West (again)

Creator of the ninth mission page, R. Craig Harman has helped develop the LDS Mission Network since its inception. A jack-of-all-trades, Bro. Harman ran one of the original indices and has maintained sites for about 25 missions.

Behind the scenes, he co-administered our webserver, while promoting mission sites across the web. With his pleasant, articulate style, polished while editing various student publications at Princeton, Bro. Harman has been the 'voice' of feedback for years.

Bro. Harman enjoys genealogy, languages, and travel, and puzzles. He volunteers his spare time helping local seniors to tackle their genealogy, while working on his own research and growing his consultancy, Branch and Root Genealogy.

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