Our webpages have been updated with tons of pictures! Photos include our trip to Santo Domingo in May 2004, Jenny's high school pictures, mission pictures and wedding photos! Check them out!
Hey Feliz Navidad!!!!!! A todos los que sirvieron en la misión. Espero que el año nuevo les traiga muchas bendiciones.
Les quiero muchísimo.
Gabriel Misla
hey guys, this is specifcally to misla. i cant believe you you turkey. haha. living in Utah. after all that garbage you talked on it. i knew you would end up there though. its good to hear all goes well with you. when i got home mis tias de alla estaban aqui. pasamos un buen rato hablando de la cultura y todo. se soprendieron porque no pensaban que yo iba a saber tanto. fue bien chevere. ojala que me vaya pa' la a visitar en el verano. a puerto rico. donde el beso de Dios se cayo de los cielos en el caribe. take care of yourself eh. later
Hi Everyone! I am letting those of you who served with Cami Lasley know that she is getting married next Saturday November 27 and she would like those who can, to attend the Reception. The problem is she doesn't have your addresses to send the invite, so if you would like more information on where the reception is being held ( Smithfield, UT) please contact me Hna Briann Barnum at 801-440-3898 or briannbarnum@hotmail.com, thanks!
El dos de diciembre va a ver un concierto navideño en el Tabernáculo. Todo el mundo esta invitado, los coros de los Institutos del area de Salt Lake estarán cantando. Va a ser un ocasión especial y va a ser gratis. Yo voy a estar cantando y me gustaría verles. Para boletos comuniquesen conmigo al 801-414-8502 o visiten la página de internet de la Iglesia www.lds.org .
Con mucho cariño
Gabriel Misla
hi!,soy tina y estoy buscando a exmisioneros que vallan a venir de la rep. a final de este año ,para pedir un favor muy importante...mi email es sally_572@hotmail.com
Please forward this email to all who can help
Dear fellow missionaries and friends of the Dominican Republic,
This is an urgent and immediate call to all former missionaries (and their friends) who served in the DR. We are requesting that you send money to the Santo Domingo East Mission to help saints affected by Hurricane Jeanne in the eastern part of the DR.
During our missionary reunion on Friday night we learned there is a pressing need to help the communities and members of the church in the Eastern part of the Dominican Republic (around Higuey) who have been severely affected by the Hurricane Jeanne. Because of the tremendous flooding (same flooding that destroyed huge areas of Haiti) the bridges that connect these communities with the other areas of the country have been destroyed. All the local food supplies have been depleted.
On Friday morning, Brad Fellows talked to the current mission president, President Ken Hudson of the Santo Domingo East Mission. President Hudson requested that if we could help, that the best way would be to immediately send, to his office, money in the form of a Fast Offering donation. (He explained “as we already know “ that sending any thing else through customs would take too long and may never arrive). He further stated that the bridges have been washed out and the towns have been completely cut off from food and other essential goods and services. Apparently, in anticipation of the hurricane, the local resorts bought up all the remaining food resources and the towns have nothing. With that in mind, he suggested the most helpful way would be to arrange for cash to be sent to the affected area as fast offerings donations to the Santo Domingo East District.
Please immediately, today, if possible send a fast offering check to:
President Ken Hudson
Santo Domingo East Mission
P.O. Box 30150
Salt Lake City, Utah 84310-0150
1 - Please make the check to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
2 - You can use a standard type donation receipt if you have them.
3 - Make sure President Hudson's name is on the envelope.
4 - This address is the pouch system of the church and is assured to securely arrive in the DR.
5 - FYI: The Mission Office Phone Number is 809-687-5080
We appreciate your quick response to this request; this is an immediate way all of us who have the ability can help alleviate some of the suffering that has occurred with the recent hurricanes that devastated the Caribbean.
Former Missionaries to the Dominican Republic
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to call any of us:
Brad Fellows at 801-566-4119
Steve Roberts at 801-240-6348
Kevin Mortensen at 801-580-4455
Busco a Esther Yadira Cabrera. Ya hace un ano que no oigo de ella. Me gustaria saber como anda. Estuvo en la mision este de los anos 93-95. Mike Mayer
I am looking for Michael Johnson. We served in the MTC together. If anyone knows how to contact him, por la gracia de Dios, PLEASE contact me at brophdog@yahoo.com.
Much Thanks!!
Estoy buscando a la Familia Fernandez de Gazcue que se bautizo en 1981 (por mi y mi companero, Thayne Houston). Padres: Ramon Fernandez Moquete y su esposa Dolores Mireya Guzman de Fernandez. Hijos: Natacha, Ramon, Rodolfo, y Claudia. Ramon sirvio luego en capacidad de presidente de la rama de Bani. Vivian por una temporada en Utah Valley. Si tiene informacion, favor de comunicarse conmigo: John Rogers, rogers90065@yahoo.com. Gracias!
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