RMDatabase Information


The RMdB4 scripts, developed by Eric Huber, have been written to provide a database that can be utilized by other mission page maintainers allowing each to customize various aspects of their pages using templates and stylesheets. RMdB version 4.1 is now MySQL database backed and requires access to a database server to implement.

New for Version 4.1

RMdB 4.1 primary difference is in the use of MySQL as the database instead of ascii-delimited files. This version also was developed using object-oriented Perl programming and uses strict variables which provides for more secure code. Along with these two major differences from 4.0, the following enhancements have been made:

  1. Complete Bi-language capabilities and new language database
  2. More efficient broadcast e-mail capabilities for the administrator
  3. Protected Personal Information
  4. Ability to upload a photo with profile

The following list is not new but does provide a summary of the functionality of RMdB:

  1. Integrated Administrator functionality
  2. Template Controlled Pages
  3. Database Export Capabilities
  4. Security Event Logging and IP address blocking
  5. Multiple Criteria Search Capability
  6. Browser-based Custom Preferences Maintenance
RMDatabase Links

Contact Information
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me by email or phone

Eric Huber - ehuber@mission.net
Work Phone: (801) 297-1654
Home Phone: (801) 299-0851

Usage and Requirements

The scripts are available to at no cost to LDS Mission Network webmasters only. They have been developed to run under Linux and require that your hosting provider have the following perl modules/packages installed:

  • CGI.pm
  • DBI.pm (with MySQL DBD support)

If you currently host your site on mission.net, then all requirements are met and you must simply submit a request by clicking on the "Contact LDSMN" link under the "Webmaster Support" folder on the left (accessed by logging in to http://webmaster.mission.net). If you host your site else where, then submit a request the same way and indicate that you host off-site and the rmdb_41.tar.gz file will be sent to you. In order to install RMdB 4.1, you must have shell access to your account. This means you must be able to connect via telnet or ssh and run scripts from the shell prompt. Simply having FTP access to your account will not be sufficient.

To see a working copy of the script and the database click on the link above. Feel free to play around with it and add or change whatever information and settings that you would like to. The administrator password is "master". NOTE: This sample database is reset every morning to the default values - so don't worry if you mess it up. On the same note, if you attempt to try out the sample database and it is all screwed up beyond recognition, come back the next day and try it again

Page Author: Eric Huber - Send Feedback
Last Updated: Thu Mar 27 15:43:22 2003