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Matthew  Cowley Alumni Photo

Elder Matthew Cowley

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Richard Oveson (1992 - 1995)
Served: 1993 - 1995
Areas Served:
Nante (N)
Bordeaux (Talence)
Jonathan Babcock | Gene Blair | Eric Bly | Derek Child | Chris Olsen | Kress Staheli
Your Occupation: Enginerd
Spouse: Amber (Stucki) Cowley
Recieved a BS (BYU) but decided I wasn't a big enough nerd yet, so I got a MS (U of Utah) in Mechanical Engineering. (Yes, I'm a turn-coat) Married my wife Amber in '00. First job was in Up-State NY at the NYCC in the research labs where I had fun making machines to shock students "for research". We had our first boy, Brandt, 8/02. After that we lived in Seattle and I worked at the Veterans Administration, Rehab R&D making computer simulations of old guy feet, designing prosthetic limbs and building robots to make cadaver feet walk. Its kind of Frankenstein-ish, but I liked it. Talia, was born 12/04 and became a shoe diva about a year later. Boy #2, aka Aeron, was born 7/07. We are now in Houston, Big Texas, where I work for Lockheed Martin at the Johsnon Space Center in the Bioastronautics div. making sure the Space Cowboys' boots fit.
Created: 25 Jan 2009  Modified: 23 Dec 2010
Last Login: 23 Dec 2010 08:38:10 AM

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