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i am looking for two missionaries who served in
indiana during 2001 and 2002. one is elder bodily and the other is sister burkhardt. i'm not sure what their first names are, but i was told his first name is robert. her name may be victoria. i want to tell them i joined the lds church two years after i knew them. does anyone know where these two missionaries are? please let me know if you do. i want to hear from them soon.
I'm looking for Elder Rhett Bingham & Elder Heath Fergusen. If anyone knows how to get in touch with either of them, please let me know.
Hey, I am trying to find Elder Jesse Martin that served between 2000-2001. Can anyone help?!
Looking for Elder Jesse Martin (~2000-2002) Please Help. Thanks
Hello, I am looking for my missionaries from the Frankfort Branch from 1982-1983. Elder Wright and Patterson. Anyone who has information on them please contact me. Thanks Carol
Can someone help me find the address to Elder Brandon Lemmon...I believed that he served either 2003-2005, or 2004-2006. He was the missionary that baptized me and I would greatly appreciate an email letting me know his whereabouts! I remember that he is from Idaho near Rexburg but that is all that I know. Thanks Jordan
Can someone help me find the address to Elder Brandon Lemmon...I believed that he served either 2003-2005, or 2004-2006. He was the missionary that baptized me and I would greatly appreciate an email letting me know his whereabouts! I remember that he is from Idaho near Rexburg but that is all that I know. Thanks Jordan
Does anyone know if any reunions are scheduled for Walker or Quist?
For his protection, his name will be withheld...Dear Elder Nameless who performed a perfect lift with me while country dancing, introduced me to oysters, and didn't rob me of his great friendship even though I used to be a sister missionary, all during the summer of 2000 in San Jose (not pesty Salinas)...remember that guy you warned me not to fall for? Don't worry, I decided to keep him, and ya know, he's not so bad.
Greetings from Indiana,
Sister Simmons and I wanted to say hello to all of you and let you know that the work is going great here in Indiana. Preach My Gospel is having a positive effect on the missionaries and members. As we work in harmony together we are seeing many great souls join the church and contribute to the strengthening of the stakes and local units. We feel we can baptize more, and would appreciate the prayers and faith of former missionaries and friends associated with the mission to help us find and teach those that are prepared to hear the gospel.
We currently have 165 missionaries. That's about 20 less than when arrived two years ago. The number of available missionaries world wide is down right now and it is having an effect on all missions.
The Fishers and Noblesville wards were divided and another ward, the Fishers 2nd ward, was created a few weeks ago. There is always hope that an adiitional stake could be created soon. We are hoping to see that happen before we return to Utah next year.
We love hearing about how everyone is doing. Your wedding announcements fill our refrigerator door, and there is still space or more.
We hope everyone is doing well. Please stay in touch as your lives move forward. The Gospel is True!!
Sure love ya!
President and Sister Simmons
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