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Just wanted to leave a quick note for all those that remember me, Yes you read it right I am finally engaged. My wonderful fiance and I are getting married on December 17th 2004, In the Logan Utah Temple. You are all invited to the reception that night in the Mendon Utah Stake Center from 6-8 PM, I will try to get my picture updated so you all can see her. Thanks! 435-757-7442
We are compiling a list of contact info for missionaries in the President Payne era. Please e-mail me with your info so I can put you on the master list. Thanks, Randy Gillespie
Does anyone know when and where Pres and Sis Quist's homecoming is?
Looking for Elders who baptized me: Elder Doug Ingram and Elder Nathan (I think) Henich. Let me know if ya' know their whereabouts. Thanks!!
Please plan to attend an Indiana Mission reunion to honor President and Sister Corey on Friday, April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in Salt Lake City. Exact location to be determined in the next few days. There will be a brief program and lots of time for socializing. Light refreshments will be provided (Noble and Gustafson would appreciate a small donation to cover costs).
We are planning a power point slide show, so if you have any pictures you would like to share, email them to
Please pass this on to everyone you know that has a connection to the Corey's. If you have any questions, please email:
Sean Noble
Eric Gustafson
All who know and love President and Sister Corey are invited to join in a special fast for Sister Corey on March 7th, 2004. She is battling cancer and is presently undergoing treatment. Please include her in your daily prayers. Thank you.
I was a member in Ft. Wayne. My family moved there in 1988. I was 7 years old. The Sister Walker I am looking for got special permission to come back to Ft Wayne for my baptism. She meant a lot to me and I would like to try and get in contact with her. I'm not sure what her first name is. I think she might have been from AZ, but not sure on that either. She was an older sister missionary, probably 24 or so. She was older than 21 though when she went on her mission. If you know who I am talking about and know how I could get in contact with her, please email me.
Looking for Brad Hennagir. Served in the 93-95 time frame.
I would really like to make contact with any of the Elders and Sisters that served during 1983-1984 so we can update each other on our lives and talk about old times.
Does anyone have any contact info for a guy by the name of Maka? Its his nickname...him and his wife, Tina, lived in the Brownsburg ward in 1997 and I think they later moved to speedway. Any info would be greatly appriciated.
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