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Come to Dublin | 30 Jun 2005 |
Dear IDM I have been trying to find the words to write this letter since I returned from the reunion planning trip to Ireland this past May. I wanted to express how great the trip was and what an opportunity this reunion is. But what I really want to say is this: “COME TO THIS REUNION”. I know you will have similar experiences if you come. While putting the reunion together I have been moved by the spirit several times and I really believe that the Lord wants us return to Ireland at this time. I want all of you to think and ponder about the opportunity of “Coming Home to Ireland”, not from the point of view can I afford it or can I fit it into my schedule; but, ask does the Lord want me to go. Then kneel down and ask God. If the Lord says yes then plan on going. Don’t worry about how you can get there, have the faith that God will provide a way and start working towards your trip. The other day I spoke to Sister Noble of the Belfast Stake. She will be organizing a get together in the Belfast area the week before the main reunion in Dublin. They are so excited by the prospect of having some of the missionaries back there. Her Husband, President Noble, the Belfast Stake President, is also excited by this and the fellowshipping that can come of it. While I was in Dublin in May they had a broadcast conference. The conference was broadcasted from the Chorley England stake center to 52 buildings in Great Brittan and Ireland. Pres. Packer and Pres. Monson Spoke, it was a great meeting. They spoke of Europe becoming fruitful again. I was very moved by it and believe that the climate for the church is improving. Baptisms in Ireland are way up this year. I think that is why I feel so strongly about this reunion and the fellowshipping project that we are working on. With more converts coming into the church it would be a great help to broaden the base of experienced members by helping with the return of some of those who have been less active. I was able to find a member who I tracked out 25 years ago and sit with her in Church. It was a tremendous experience. I was able to visit with many other members at that conference as well. From those conversations I was also able to find a sister from my first area that had moved to England but had returned to Ireland about 8 years ago. With the help of the Sligo Branch Presidency I was able to visit with her (I never would have been able to find her otherwise; she was way out in Roscommon). It was just a great experience; she had great stories of me and my companion that I had long ago forgotten. She will be at the reunion. On my last day in Ireland I was able to find one more member. I came to find out that she has not been to church in 20 years. I was the first member who had visited her in about 8 years. As it was with so many of the visits that I had, it was if time had stood still and we took up where we left off 25 years ago. After we had talked for about 3 hours, I left with the promise to bring my family back to see her in September. I should point out that Paul Stilgo, Phil McColgan and I met with President Fagan (Dublin Stake Pres.) who was very excited about having us back and will be giving us loads of help on the night of the reunion. He as given us a contact to help us find members we may be looking for in the Dublin Stake and we are expecting a contact for the Belfast stake soon. (see idmreunion.com for contact information) The members really want to see a familiar face from the time when they first joined the church. They all speak of “their missionary”, what a thrill if they could meet you once again. What a boost it will give them. In a land where it is so hard to be a member you can make all the difference. Pres. Chapman was excited for our return as well. He will make teaching opportunities available to us (not tracting) if we want to be involved with that. Be the first on the list from your era. Don’t wait until you recognize someone else’s name. You can see guys/gals from your area at the Salt Lake reunions; this reunion is about seeing the members who live in your mission field. Sincerely Brad Cox |
Bradley L. Cox | Send Email |