Messages Item: fazer pie recipe
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the secret is out! I have seen a few of you asking for the recipe. Well here it is.
fazer pie
3 eggs (separate yolks from the whites)
vanilla extract (optional)
1/3 cup of cocoa (optional)
2 fazer bars
Domino crackers (broken up)
1/2 cup of butter
2/3 bag of powdered sugar
Mix the slightly melted (gooey) butter with the broken up domino pieces to make the crust, place in a pie tin and put in the freezer.
melt the 2 Fazer bars in a double boiler.
add 1/3 cup of cocoa (optional) to the melted chocolate.
in a separate container mix the egg whites, 1tsp of vanilla extract (optional), and the powder sugar together until it is mixed together (should be creamy).
add the egg whites and sugar mixture slowly into the melted chocolate and mix well.
Pour the sauce into the frozen crust and refrigerate until solid.
I have not made this in a very very long time. the 2/3 bag of powder sugar i am not exactly sure how much that is as sizes in the Baltics were different then in the USA. maybe just mix the egg whites with sugar till it is still runny but not too runny. good luck.
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