Missionary Alumni List
Home Page Number of registered alumni: 77
Number of e-mail addresses: 74
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1990 to Current | 1980 to 1989 | 1979 and back
Aagard, Hans peteska@aol.com 1995-97 (Spanish) Worcester, East Boston, Holyoke, Lowell, Leominster, Lynn, and Nashua
Call, Drew DCall@utah-inter.net 1997-99 Currently serving; will be home April 1999
Clark, Jason William sonicivic@usa.net 1995-97 Roxbury/Brookline, Malden, Gardner, Worcester, Somerville, Framingham, Weston, Peterborough NH, and Amherst
Danley, Brent brentjan@feist.com 1992-94 Boston Central (Batterymarch), Springfield, Cape Cod, Everett, Dorchester, and Framingham
Eagar, Wade vayapues@caedm.et.byu.edu 1993-95 Holyoke, Dorchester (Boston Branch), Lynn/Salem, Worcester, Boston (Mt. Hope Branch)
Faddis, Troy faddis@cougar.netutah.net 1992-94 Chelmsford, New Bedford, Worcester, Taunton/West Bridgwater, Lynn, Salem, Springfield
Flanary, Teresa flanary@morganut.com FEB 96 to
JUL 97
Woburn, Cambridge, Newport , Weston, Tauton, Lowell and Lynn (Cambodian), and Gardner.
Foote, Earl 6258 W. 3570 S.
WVC, UT 84128
1994-96 (Spanish) East Boston, Springfield, Lynn, and Marlboro.
Hoisington, Steven ferdie2@netcom.com 1991-93 Oxford, Lynn, Salem, Dorchestor, Boston Branch (Batterymarch), Nashua NH, Brattleboro VT.
Jacobs, Kendall kjacobs@gte.net 1990-92 (Cambodian) Lowell, Revere, Providence RI, Conn Harford Mission
Johnson, Richard rcjohnson@pdqnet.net 1991-93 Jamaica Plains/Brookline, Hyannis/South Yarmouth, Worcester, Plymouth, Pepperill, and North Attleboro
Jones, Rusty dkjones@sisna.com 1994-96 Framingham, Brewster Branch, Pepperell, Westboro, Enfield, and Salem
Jordan, Christian jordans@accessone.com 1991-93 (Portuguese) Boston Central , Weston, Springfield, and (Spanish) Worcester
La Pointe, Rebecca beccaboo@wwdg.com 1993-95 (Spanish) Cambridge, Worcester, and Springfield
Lawrence, Shane shanel@crystalcanyon.com 1990-92 West Yarmouth , Pittsfield, Worcester, Brockton, South Yarmouth, and Cambridge (University Ward)
Ludlow, Rob Robster-L@Juno.com 1994-96 Marlboro, Worcester, Dorchester, Revere, Fitchburg, Belmont, Billerica, Northampton, Palmer, Northboro and Bristol RI
Lund, Adam AWeston758@aol.com 1992-94 (Laotian
Mask, Joseph joem@i-link.net 1993-95 (Spanish) Holyoke, Lawrence, East Boston, Somerville, Roxbury, Springfield, and Lowell
McGregor, Eric Emcgrego@NuSkin.net 1991-93 (Spanish) Lynn, Worcester, Lawrance, Boston
New, Gary gnew@southernvirginia.edu 1992-94 (Cambodian) Lowell, Revere, Fall River; (English) Peterbourgh NH; (Cambodian & Portoguese) Providence RI
Pitman, Jim PM1996@juno.com 1994-96 Waltham, Belmont, Nashua NH, Enfield CT, New Bedford, Greenfield, Weston, Fall River, Lowell
Peterson, Carsten sld2h@cc.usu.edu 1993-95 Worcester, Wakefield, Milford NH, New Bedford,
Peterson, Christine

cpeterson@corel.com 1990-91 Worcester, Pittsfield, Nashua NH, Greenfield, and Weston
Ploeger, Robin PloegerRL@centum.utulsa.edu 1993-95 Foxboro, Oxford, Springfield, and Newport RI
Richardson, Eric erichar@juno.com 1991-93 Boston, Worcester, Lynn, and Cape Cod
Smith, Shawn ssjaxon@juno.com 1992-94 (Spanish) East Boston, Lawrence, Holyoke, Springfield
Thomas, David dthomas@acme.csusb.edu 1991-93 Hingham, Boston Branch (Batterymarch), Spencer, Arlington, New Bedford, Athol, and Fitchburg
Thompson, Jeremy jeremy@gci-net.com 1991-93 Palmer, Antrim, Enfield, Medford, Northboro, and Nashua NH
Thornley, Steve thorns@sprintmail.com 1990-91 Augusta, Belfast, Bath, Haverhill, Lawrence, East Boston
Ward, Greg slgg4@cc.usu.edu 1993-95 Pittsfield, Marlboro, Worcester, Pepperill, Boston, and Gardner
Rose, Hillary
hrose@novell.com 1994-95 Gardner, Worcester, Springfield, Marshfield, Cambridge, and Plymouth.
Withers, Kevin kwithers@juno.com 1993-95 (Laotian/English) Dorchester & Lowell; Conn Hartford Mission: Rhode Island and Upstate New York

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1980 to 1989 | 1990 to Current | 1979 and back
Anderson, Eric s98anderson@usuhsb.usuhs.mil 1989-91 Chelmsford, Cambridge University Ward, Essex Branch, NH Manchester Mission: Laconia, Hanover NH, Portsmouth NH, Middlebury VT
Baker, Brett
1828 S 2000 E
Vernal, UT 84078
1988-90 Westborough, Medford, Falmouth, Chelmsford, University Ward, Methuen, and Arlington
Butler, John JMBnTWB@aol.com 1988-90 Hingham, Littleton 1st, Worcester, Lawrence, University Ward, Foxboro, and Framingham
Cummings, Russell rcummings@novell.com 1987-89 (Spanish) Lawrence, Holyoke, Salem, and Cambridge
Denhalter, Brett boden@ecst.csuchico.edu 1981-82 Dover, NH/Eliot, ME; Pawcatuck, CT; Groton, CT; New London, CT; Derry, NH; and Billerica, MA
Fish, Michael mbfish@srp.gov 1982-83 Keene NH, Ashland, Quincy, and Boston.
Goodman, Doug doug.goodman@m.cc.utah.edu SEP 82 to
MAR 84
Plymouth, NH; Worcester/Spencer, MA; Belfast, ME; Gardner, MA; Augusta, ME; and Hingham, MA.
Gonzales, Patrick gonzalesp@msn.com 1981-83 Waterville, Sanford ME, Gardner, North Attleboro, Taftville, Groton CN, and NewLondon CN
Graham, Daniel danny@cscparts.com 1980-82 Providence RI, Taunton, Fitchburg/Gardner, Somerville, and Manchester NH
Harker, Bryan bry@iname.com 1989-91 Falmouth, Hull, Milford NH, Westboro, Hanover, Methuen, Needham, Cambridge, and Chelmsford
Helbig, Gerrit ghelbig@msn.com 1986-88 New London CT, Nashua NH, Arlington, Caribou ME, Manchester NH, and Windham ME
LaComb, Timothy TRALaCo@webtv.net 1989-91 Newport RI, Belmont, Billerica, Boston Branch, Worcester, and Cambridge
Cahoon, Cathy
bcahoon@telusplanet.net 1989-90 Foxboro, Boston (student and Chinese), Nashua NH, and Worcester
Ormsby, Dean orms@inconnect.com 1988-90 North Grafton, Boxfield, Haverhill, Foxboro, Chelmsford, Billerica, South Yarrow
Phelon, Peter pphelon@10fold.com 1989-91 Nashua NH, Pittsfield, Lawrence/Methuen, Enfield CT, Springfield, Palmer, South Yarmouth, and Belmont
Pidge, John JPidge31@aol.com 1985-86 Providence, Willimantic, CT, Lawrence, Salem and Lynn
Schram, Julia
schram@infowest.com 1980-82  
Roper, Glenn buckwhet@qi3.com 1980-82 Newport RI, Foxboro Mass, Laconia NH, Kittery ME, Keene NH, Greenville RI, Bath ME, and Derry NH
Skene, Robert raskene@sover.net 1987-89 Portland ME and NH Manchester Mission
Snegirev, William sneggy@arctic.net 1989-91 Agawam, Arlington, Boston Branch, Weston, and Cape Cod
Stoddard, Brian Bstodd1023@aol.com
E-mail is no longer valid
1988-90 (Cambodian)
Thomas, Ralph ralph@ralphabet.com 1989-91 Springfield, Agawam, Ipswich, Chelmsford, Newport-RI, Boston, Lynn
Van Dyke, Rafael rvandyke@rocketmail.com 1989-91 Nashua NH, Boston Branch, Pittsfield, Marthas Vineyard, Hingham, Amherst, Methuen, Weston and University Ward

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1979 and back | 1990 to Current | 1980 to 1989
Bailey, Dean dbailey@xmission.com 1975-77 Fitchburg, Sanford ME, White River Junction VT, Portland ME, Providence RI, South Royalton VTand Braintree
Baker, Jay jbaker@trilogycomputing.com 1974-76 Portland ME, Winchester, St. Albans VT, Plattsburg NY, Providence RI and Groton CT
Barnes, Dan dbarnes@mail.pacifier.com 1971-73 Randolph VT, Newport RI, Chatham, New Brunswick, Danforth ME, East Millenocket ME, Providence RI and Sudbury
Bithell, DeForrest delaurie@swbell.net 1963-65 New London, Warwick RI, Mystic CT, Kitery ME, and Portsmouth, St. Johns VT and Springfield
Brook, Rollins Rollybrook@aol.com 1959-61 Vermont (Branch President) and New Hampshire
Clyde, Michael clyde@brains.com 1969-71 New Bedford; Reading, Mass.; Fitchburg, Mass.; Burlington, Vt.; Manchester, N.H.; and Cambridge, Mass.
Dean, Steven SDean94814@aol.com 1973-75 Boston and Worcester
Empey, Ernest empey1@televar.com 1975-77 Plattsburgh NY, Falmouth MA, Amsbury/Newburyport MA, Plymouth NH, Derry NH, and Clarmount NH
Frantz, Gary quoteone@mail.burgoyne.com 1978-80 Laconia NH, New London CN, Natick, Cambridge, Belfast ME
Godfrey, Norman Homedaddy@worldnet.att.net 1968-70 Lancaster NH, Truro Nova Scotia, Brockton, Farmington ME, and Caribou ME
Karren, Robert Cless krnclan@lyrea.com 1974-76 Waterville ME, Middlebury VT, Norwell MA, Franklin MA
Lawsen, Jerry larsenj@littongcs.com 1972-74 Plattsburgh NY, Nova Scotia (Sidney, Kentvilleand Amherst), Moncton, New Brunswick; Waltham, New Beford, and St. Johnsbury VT
Lawson, Robert mrgeek@earthlink.net 1977-79 Kezar Falls ME, Attleboro, Plymouth NH, Shirley, and Hallowell ME
Loftin, Michael mloflin@earthlink.net 1979-81 New Bedford, Boston, Bangor, Norway, Groton, Newport
Reid, Marilyn Kay
reidclan@jps.net 1965-66 Whitman, Marblehead,and Bilerica, Mass. and Providence and Nantucket RI
Mabe, Michael mmabe@slcpl.slcpl.lib.ut.us 1976-78 Concord, Claremont NH, Newport RI, Rockland ME, and Fitchburg
Orton, RaVoe
mworton@burgoyne.com 1979-80 Shirley, Oxford, Bangor!, Portsmith NH, Chelsea and Harvard Student Ward
Pine, William
billpine@myriad.net 1962-64 West Warwick RI, Bangor ME, Bath ME, Lowell, and Concord
Reid, Jeff glreid@azlink.com 1970-72 Skowhegan ME, Brunswick ME, Manchester NH, Bridgewater Nova Scotia, Burlington VT, and Haverhill.
Reid, Raymond reidclan@jps.net 1964-66 Worcester, Braintree, Weymouth, Taunton, New London CN, and Newington CN.
Sowby, Sherm sherms@csufresno.edu 1968-70 Auburn ME, Farmington ME, Foxboro, MA, South Royalton, VT, Mission Office-Cambridge, MA
Wheeler, Michael JMW@sisna.com 1974-76 Jamaica Plains, Derry NH, Worcester, White River Jct. VT, Brattleboro VT

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