Sister Megan Lorrigan (Barrow)

Gilbert, AZ 85234


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Craig Cheney (1998 - 2001) | Thomas John Summers (2001 - 2003)
Served: 2000 - 2001
Areas Served:
Laura Bordon (Reese) | Kelly Daugherty (Peterson) | Sarah Ellen Meehan | Karee Michelle Thornock
Your Occupation: Mother of two kids!
Spouse: Bill Lorrigan
We have just moved from Tucson Arizona to Gilbert Arizona. We are very excited to be close to a temple again! I still have the best job in the world, staying home with my kids. My daughter will be starting Kindergarten this fall and my son is in pre-school. I've been thinking about Paraguay a lot lately and of all the good experiences I had. So grateful for all the friends I made there. I would love to hear from you all and catch up!
Created: 08 Jun 2002  Modified: 25 May 2010
Last Login: 25 May 2010 08:25:41 AM
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