News Item: Gavarret Reunion

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Gavarret Reunion 25 May 2008
Mbaeichapa Elderes y Hermanas -

I was on the phone with President Gavarret today and we are excited to announce the date of our 2008 mission reunion. This year's reunion will be held on Saturday June 28th in Provo, Utah from 6:30-9:30 pm at a chapel (yet to be determined).

As you can tell this email is only reaching a very small portion of missionaries so please PLEASE forward this to everyone that you know who served with President Gavarret. The actual location of the reunion will be released as soon as a chapel is reserved but we wanted to get the word out so that everyone can make the time and travel preparations if necessary.

Again, please forward this email and we will have more details being released as they come forth. President and Hermana Gavarret are very excited to see everyone so please do everything that you can to make it to the reunion.

Thank you,

Ryan Haldeman
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