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As dusk falls at the end of the day, a young mother holds her infant close to her warding off the cold. Her tear stained face surveys the wreckage in front of her. Although it wasn’t much, her house, clothing, food, everything is flattened – destroyed from the falling debris. She shivers in the cold. She wanders up to what used to be a door and looks for anything to shield off the falling winter temperatures. As she rummages through the rubble, she can’t help but think of her family. Are her parents safe, did her siblings survive, how will her little one hold up in these harsh conditions? Her thoughts turn to her husband, and her eyes well up as she knows she will never again see his smiling face. If only he had been a little faster leaving the church as the building shook and crumbled. It’s dark now and she hasn’t found anything to wrap around her child. Her neighbors have managed to make a small fire and they beckon to her. She walks over, grateful for the warmth of the fi!
re. At least she and her child will be able to last through the night, but without food, drinkable water, or shelter, how long will she and her baby be able to survive?
The recent devastation in Peru is yet to be fully understood. The last report shows that 445 people have died, 1008 are injured, 30,000 homes have been destroyed and in the city of Pisco, home of the famous archeological site of Paracas, is 80% destroyed. Determining the full extent of the damage will take time. Many of the affected areas are not readily available by road and the nearest airport is running at maximum capacity in attempts to get relief to these people.
As a businessman/woman or corporation, our number one goal is success. However, after achieving success, our corporate conscious must turn towards giving back to the roots where we started, or to those still trying to become established. The recent events in Peru may seem distant and unrelated to our daily pursuits, but in actuality, several of our friends, partners, and even family members are directly connected to these horrific events and deeply affected on a personal level. In Utah alone, several Peruvian immigrants, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and our own David Utrilla are concerned about the conditions of family, friends, and relatives. As an immigrant from Peru, David knows first hand the daily strife of “making it”, he knows the community, places and people inside out and hurts for those affected. For David, he hasn’t forgotten where he came from and the people who influenced him. So, from a Corporation, friend or relative to another, we extend our hand to as!
k for your help.
Last Friday, David Utrilla, President of U.S. Translation Company returned from Peru on a trip to help aid his fellow countrymen, women and children. He not only supports a business in Peru on a constant basis by providing jobs to those in need, but just made a sizeable donation of clothing and much needed supplies to the San Juan De Dios Hospital in Peru.
Now is your time help for this current need. U.S Translation Company in partnership with Poder Para La Familia Hispana, the Peruvian General Consul in Denver, Latin American Chamber of Commerce and the United Way of Utah County has established an account directly through the Peruvian Consul, Guido called “Sismo Peru 2007”. Donations can be made at any Wells Fargo Bank. The specific account is as follows:
Wells Fargo Bank
Account Name: “Sismo Peru 2007”
Number: 5052408746
Rest assured 100% of all monetary donations will go to those in need. These will be given to the Peruvian equivalent of US FEMA, called the “Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil”. The Red Cross, LDS Church, UNICEF, and United Way all correspond through them as well. The U.S. Translation Company has already made their donation, now it is your turn.
If you would like to bring cash, or other donations, you can do so by going to one of the following locations. Please keep in mind that monetary donations are the easiest to utilize, as other donations require shipping and further distribution, which takes much coordination and can be costly.
In Salt Lake City:
Tony Yapias (801) 577-3200
Poder Para La Familia Hispana
1737 South Redwood Road
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Renetta Coppard (801) 548-4236
Latin American Chamber of Commerce
C/O Loayza Law Offices
5663 South Redwood Road, Building No. 2
Taylorsville, UT 84123
In Ogden, donations can be taken to:
David Utrilla (801) 393-5300 Ext. 13; Fax: (801) 393-5500
(801) 430-1271 after hours
U.S. Translation Company
1893 E. Skyline Dr. Suite 203
South Ogden, UT 84403
In Provo, donations can be taken to:
Alberto Puertas (801) 422-9072
1187 North 560 West
Orem, UT 84057
Jackeline Shearer (801) 374-2588; (801) 427-2499
United Way of Utah County
148 North 1000 West
Provo, UT 84603
The LDS Church has sent one planeload of disaster relief kits and other supplies. The rapid distribution can take place as they are prepared in advance for this type of natural occurrence and have established pre-packaged goods at the ready for shipment. The contact for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is as follows:
Nate Leishman (801) 240-1713
Dear Returned Missionaries from Peru-
Greetings from the City of Bountiful!
On behalf of the Bountiful/Davis Art Center (BDAC), I would like to invite you to join us as we officially welcome the following invited countries: Armenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ghana, India, Peru and the Philippines during the festival’s Opening Ceremonies to the 19th Annual Bountiful Summerfest International (BSI) on:
August 9, Thursday, 7:00 pm, at the Bountiful City Park, 400 N. 200 W. Bountiful.
Also, for the first time in many years, the Summerfest will be a FREE ADMISSION flagship event to the public on Aug. 10 & 11, Friday & Saturday. Bring your families, friends, colleagues and neighbors to this wholesome “fun-filled trip Around the World” with international music, dance, food, arts & c rafts with your visit to Bountiful City Park. Please feel free to check the following websites for detailed information:
BDAC website:
BSI website:
And you are more than welcome to be a Host Family.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Aida Mattingley
Bountiful/Davis Art Center (BDAC)
801 240 6196 office
801 967 3127 home
801 292 0367
La Asociación de profesionales de la salud e investigación poblacional(APROSIP) es una institución que viene laborando desde hace varios años con la prevención del cáncer ginecológico,organizando a las poblaciones ya sea en centros educativos,clubes de madres,vasos de leche,municipalidades,iglesias,etc, para unir esfuerzos mancomunados que nos permita viabilizar y tener éxito tanto en las charlas de prevención,asi como las "jornadas médicas",gracias a Dios muchos profesionales se vienen uniendo a nuestra gran cruzada de amor que va encaminada a rescatar a todas aquellas madres de las poblaciones urbanos marginales,encontrando una serie de patologías que si no son tratadas a tiempo,podrian desencadenar en cáncer ginecológico,trayendo como consecuencia muchos hogares destruidos moralmente y niños en la horfandad,nuestro querido Perú es uno de los paises donde la prevención no se toma en cuenta,es por esta razón que APROSIP invita a todos las personas de buen corazón a que se puedan unir a nuestra noble causa,actualmente tenemos un grupo humano que realiza pruebas de tamizaje respecto al cáncer en la mujer,sin embargo nuestros esfuerzos se ven limitados cuando tenemos que cauterizar a muchas madres,el transporte de nuestra logística es demasiado caro porque adolecemos de ello,La iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los ultimos días visitó insitu nuestra labor y conmovidos por nuestra labor nos apoyó con instrumentos y carpas,agradecidos por tan magna colaboración que ha permitido seguir adelante sin desmayar,es que recurrimos a ti para que nos ayudes contactandonos con instituciones benéficas para seguir adelante ,haciendo camino al andar,Dios te bendiga por tu valiosa ayuda que nos puedas dar,recuerda que hay muchas madres que te lo agradecerán...escribeme al e-mail o te lo vamos a agradecer mucho...Hasta pronto.
Actualmente estoy trabajando con un grupo de profesionales de la salud y otros campos ,desarrollando charlas educativas de prevención respecto "al cáncer ginecológico" nuestra labor es netamente social y esta abocada a los sectores urbano-marginales ,rescatando a aquellas madres que tienen precancer y cancer establecido,si bien nuestra labor no es remunerada ni mucho menos con fines de lucro,necesitamos ayuda de todos los que deseen unirse a nuestra gran cruzada de amor,invoco a todos los corazones humanitarios para que se comuniquen con nosotros,Que Dios les bendiga.
una organizacion bien "chevere" en la cual ahora estoy de voluntaria vincula a los estados unidos de america con america latina y el caribe y desarrolla proyectos de desarrollo humanitario y cultural si tienen preguntas pueden hacerlas a gracias y bienvenidos al mundo del voluntariado que es un poquito como la mision =).
I started a Facebook group called "Peru Lima South Mission" for anyone interested in joining.
So I am to report to the MTC on April 11th and I want to start getting my clothes and other things that i will need for the mission but i really don't have any idea what type of skirts, shirts and shoes would be best for Peru. So i was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of what types of clothing work best and any other helpful hints about what to bring down with me. Any help would be nice. I would love to hear more about the mission and the people in Peru.
Hna. Fergus
Por favor estoy tratando de ubicar amis ex-comps asi que ayudenme,hna chalco en lima,hna hill en Washigton,Hna Miranda en pucallpa,Hna Hendricks en Portlan,Oregon,Hna Lozano en chiclayo, agradecere mucho su ayuda
My name is Adam Stewart and I served in the Lima Peru East mission from 97'-99'. Like many of you, after my mission I really wanted to help the people of Peru in any way I could which is why I joined Eagle Condor Humanitarian. We are a non-profit humanitarian group based in Salt Lake City, UT. The goal of our foundation is not to simply give humanitarian items and services away but to teach the people to become self-reliant. The foundation is divided into 2 parts, humanitarian (homes, bathrooms, wells, hygiene, etc…) and micro-enterprise (education and loans for small businesses). Our humanitarin efforts are set up to help the Peruvian people in general while our micro-enterprise program works only with members of the LDS church. The reason for this post is two-part. First, we are having a small fundraising dinner on Saturday, November 4th of this year. This will be a Peruvian dinner of Papa A La Huancaina, Ceviche, Aji de Gallina (Could change) and Picarrones. There will be a full Peruvian program with dancers, music, a photography contest from this years expeditions to Peru and a silent auction. This will be a great evening and an opportunity to learn more about our foundation and the work we do in Peru. The dinner we be held at Wheeler Farm in Salt Lake and will begin at around 6:30 pm. Tickets are $35 per individual or $50 per couple. All proceeds will go toward our humanitarian efforts in Peru. The second purpose of this e-mail was to let you know that if you would like to help out the foundation in any way, there are always opportunities. We are always looking for people to help on certain projects and in the office. Please contact me if you are interested in either the dinner or any other part of the foundation. Adam Stewart (801) 631-6629 or We have tons and events planned for next year, including 7 expeditions to Peru for humanitarian missions. We would love to have you take part. Thanks and I hope to hear from you. - Adam Stewart
servi entre el 76 y78, quisiera comunicarme con algun miembro y misioneros de esa epoca y saber de ellos,
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