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Elder Arlen Meman Tumaliuan Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Max W. Craner (1992 - 1995) | Gordon T. Watts (1995 - 1998) | Served: 1993 - 1995 | Language(s) spoken:Ybanag, Itawes, Ilokano, Tagalog, English | Areas Served: Caloocan ist ward, Pangarap Branch, Marikina ist, Lagro branch, Quirino ist, Bagong Silang, Office | Your Occupation: Sr. Facilities Manager, The Area President CJCLDS Phils. Inc. | Spouse: Juvy Calabazaron Tumaliuan | Comments: I am 45 years old...Married to a beautiful wife, blessed with 3 children. One is currently serving in the Philippines Olongapo mission, second to him is a beautiful daugther Sariah Zyra she is in grade 8 at the University of La Sallete and the 3rd child Arabella Kaye died at age 2 months old of bilateral broncho Pneumonia we love her so much and we will do our best to be with her in the etrnities.
I have served as a trainer in the mission for straight 10 months with 3 greenie companions( E. Wilson, E. Neyman and E. Stromness). Had served as district leader, zone leader and financial secretary under president MAx W. Cranner. 9 months after my mission i was married to my wife in the Philippines Manila Temple on April 10, 1997 by Brother Roland Arcansalin then was the Temple Sealer. I have served in the following callings in the church: Ward Clerk, Stake Clerk, Sunday School President, Sunday School Teacher, Counselor in the YM Presidency, YM President, Executive secretary in the QC Mission PResidency, 2nd counselor in the Santiago Phils. Stake PResidency, Stake PResident Santiago Phils. North Stake, Stake HC of Marikina Stake, Santiago Stake.
Currently Working the Church as Sr. Facilities Manager at Santiago FM Group. Previously employed as secondary school teacher 3 at DEPED for 5 years. |
Created: 17 Jan 2016 Modified: 17 Jan 2016 |
Last Login: 17 Jan 2016 08:47:59 PM |
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