It is good to hear from you Joana. We have thought about your family often. Send me an email at and I will send you Nicole's address. She is just finishing college and was married last December. She would love to hear from you. |
Hello everyone..i am searching for Nicole West, daughter of president West who served in mission Porto-Portugal, and also elder Brown who served there as a missionary in 1995 i think. i also search for elder Reed Farnsworth Cannon who served there in 1995 also. i only know he is from Albuquerque, NM, EUA..
Thank u!! |
Meu nome é Adriana.Eu sou membro da Igreja no Brasil e trabalho no centro de historia da familia.Aqui no Brasil tem uma membro de Portugal que esta precisando da ajuda dos membros de Portugal para encontrar o seu pai que mora em Funchal, Ilha da Madeira,ela quer saber se esta vivo ou morto.O nome dele é:José Gomes filho de José Gomes e Maria Gomes Jardins, nasceu na Ponta do Sol,Ilha da madeira,em 1965 morava em Santo Antonio.Sua esposa chama-se Liocadia e tinha 5 filhos,nome dos filhos:Glória,Goreti,Ivone,Leocádia e José.Isso é muito importante para mim.
Por favor ajudem-me!
Escrevam para mim! |
The following comment has been submitted by Michael Hansen
I am trying to find where and when the church meets in Porto, Portugal. I'm
trying to give a Book of Mormon to my friend from Porto, and I'm hoping to
tell him what times the church meetings start.
Thank you. |
Caro Elder Beal.
A Mãezinha de Guimarães já está do outro lado do véu, faleceu a cerca de 2 anos atrás. Como qualquer boa "mãezinha" concerteza deve estar em bom lugar e feliz pela sua dedicação a todos os que com ela estiveram. |
Alguem sabe noticias de nossa Maezinha, Laura de Castro em Guimaraes? Eu fui o primeiro "filhote" dela, como ela dizia, em 1986 mas perdi contacto com ela. Fui visitar em 1995 e ela estava forte na vida e na igreja. Quero saber se ela esta' bem. Talvez saibam alguma coisa do filho dela, o irmao Manuel Barros? Obrigado por qualquer informacao.
um abrac,o,
Weston Beal |
You can send me more information about portuguese software testing. |
Just out of curiosity - does anyone know the latest and greatest on Figueira? I served a significant part of my misao there and would like to know.
Post it here or email me @
ate logo
O Macano |
I'm looking to get in contact with returned missionaries who served in Portugal and who would be interested in work testing software in Portuguese. Please email me if you're interested in hearing the details. |
Hi friends im claudia caldas and i make a mini mission in 1988 and another 1989 ..for all my friends and missionary whork whit my i give my phone number and my adress is..Claudia Caldas
Rua D. Joao peculiar Bl 4 casa 33 4300 Porto Portugal .....00351964397877
bye kisssssssssssssss |
We were so sorry to hear about the death of Rui Fernandes who served under us in the Porto Mission. He was a very dedicated missionary and always tried to do his best and work his hardest as a missionary. We express our deepest sympathies for his family and friends. |
É com pesar que vos informo o falecimento de meu irmão mais jovem RUI JORGE DE ABREU FERNANDES (05/Set/79 - 08/Abr/04) que serviu nesta missão entre 1998 e 2000.
Ele faleceu na cidade de São Paulo - Brasil onde vivia, de problemas do coração.
Ele estava com 24 anos e certamente deixará saudades. O Senhor o transferiu para uma nova área e estará fazendo um grande trabalho onde está agora.
Para maiores informações nos contate pelo e-mail ou pelo telefone 55 (011) 4124-1297
Seu irmão
Bruno Miguel de Abreu Fernandes |
I am trying to find an address and phone number for Jose and Manuela Cardoso. They were baptized in 1988 while I was serving in Viseu. I tried to type this on "Messages" but the site would not let me. Sorry. I hope someone can help me as my husband and I are going to be in Portugal in May. |
Portugal Lisbon Mission: Rua Jorge Barradas, 14 C, 1500 Lisboa, Portugal
Portugal Porto Mission: Rua Amália Luazes, 23, sala 1, 4200 Porto, Portugal
Cape Verde Praia Mission: Palmarejo, Praia, Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde |
I am trying to find out an address to mail letters to missionaries currently serving. My son (on his mission in Mozambique, Africa) would like to write some of his MTC buddies but we have no idea of where to send the letters. Any help would be most appreciated! Thanks. |
olá sou a namorada de um ex-missio´nário que serviu na missão porto! o elder brito, lembram-se dele? ele não tem email agora, mas o telemovel dele é 934899151, liguem ele vai gostar de saber notícias vossas! qualquer dia iremos aí! em principio para março:) jokinhas! beijocas aos que me conhecem ah! Palmira Brandão já casas-te? |
In response to Roger McClary:
Not anymore. Former Vila do Conde branch now belongs to Povoa do Varzim ward (Porto Stake). They have about 75 active members. |
In response to Tanya Macdonald:
Rui Miguel Sequeira belongs to Portimão Branch (Algarve District). I'm sending his address to your private e-mail.
Good luck! |
In response to Jesse Given: Povoa de Varzim is a strong ward in Porto Stake. They have a wonderfull meetinghouse constructed by the Church.
The bishop is Antonio Cunha.
Please contact me if you want the ward address. |
There was a ward there when I served my mission (93-95), and there was a branch or ward in the neighboring town of Vila de Conde. I do not know if this is still true today. |
can anyone tell me is there a branch or ward in povoa de varzim my comp tim hoffer and i jesse given opened up that town when it was still one mission? back in the 80s thanks. |
Hi Christian. I served in the Lisbon South mission about 6 years ago.
I'm trying to find a member from the Algarve that served his mission
The member I am trying to locate is Rui Sequeira. We taught him in
Silves in 1996. He was baptized in Jan 1997 and served a mission in
1998-2000. Please post this on your website. If anyone has any info,
please email me at
Tanya |
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