An Intermediate Chinese Dictionary
A specialized dictionary of Chinese vocabulary useful to the foreign missionary (or intermediate student) compiled specifically for the Taiwan Taichung Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Chih-ch'iang "Jonny" Ts'ui, Matthew Hammond, and Adam Johnson. Entries are in both Chinese characters and Yale romanization.
Chinese text is in "GB code" not Big5. In order to view the chinese portion of the list you will need to download a chinese viewer. Or in IE (Internet Explorer) click on View -> Encoding -> More -> Chinese Simplified(GB or HZ).
Please select a letter.
Comissioned by President Timothy P. Stratford of the Taiwan Taichung Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as part of his massive overhaul of the language instruction program for foreign missionaries, this elementary dictionary provides an intermediate step for missionaries who have finished memorizing proselyting discussions and who are not yet ready to begin the study of Chinese characters. The list focuses on vocabulary most useful to a foreign missionary.
The Thousand Word List was compiled during the Winter of 1993. An older list was first revised by Reed Lamoreaux, but upon review of his work by native Chinese speakers, it was deemed unacceptable. Chih-ch'iang "Jonny" Ts'ui entered a completely new list into the computer. Adam Johnson, charged with the task of formating the list for publishing, found the files unusable because of the Chinese-unfriendly nature of WordPerfect Corporation products (this sad experience laid the foundation for the complete conversion of the mission office to Microsoft products). Matthew Hammond was enlisted in the project and the immense task of re-entering, proofing, formating, and publishing the book began. More than a year after the inception of the project, the complete Thousand Word List was distributed to missionaries in the Taichung mission. The list was soon thereafter adopted by the Taipei mission and became a major tool in Mandarin instruction in the Church.
Usage Notes
This Mandarin Chinese dictionary uses the Yale system of romanization, the most readily learned by English learners of Chinese. The intonation of the syllables is indicated by a number immediately following each syllable. The English translations represent a compromise between concern for preserving Chinese word order and a desire to communicate overal meaning.
This Web Version of the Thousand Word list is made possible through the efforts of Matthew Hammond, Adam Johnson, and John Peterson.
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