Noticias Artículo: Booking a flight to Venezuela
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A few helpful things I learned booking travel to eastern Venezuela:
1. There are direct chartered flights from non-US countries to Margarita, particularly from Toronto, though it does not run year-round (this year, only in December and January). It appeared that all US flights go through Caracas (even Miami flight agencies would only route to Caracas).
2. A good route to Eastern VZ is through Port of Spain, Trinidad. It can save hundreds flying there and taking a short hopper flight from there to an Eastern VZ city instead of through Caracas.
3. Most intra-Venezuela travel cannot be booked outside of Venezuela. Most agents will fly you to Caracas and tell you to book a flight to Barcelona or Margarita once you arrive there on a domestic airline like Aeropostal. This runs the risk of being stuck in Caracas if there is no room on the flight. I was able to connect with a travel agent from Toronto, Canada, who has a connection within the airline who can guarantee seats on a Caracas to eastern Venezuela hopper flight. She also has information on the direct Toronto/Margarita charter flights. Her contact info is:
Tennille S. Jitman
Paragon Travel
1064 Coxwell Avenue
Toronto, ON M4C 3G5, Canada
Phone 416-461-0231/ 1-888-461-0231
I'm not on commission, but if you mention my name and your desire to go to Margarita/Barcelona, she'll know exactly what you're talking about.
Good luck!
Greg Piede
Served: 1998-2000
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