Stories: Reginald Moyo
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Well since no one has yet submitted a story I will do so with something that I actually wrote down in journal cause it was such a small inciddent but actually brought about a great member.
When I was serving in my first area (Nkulumane,Bulawayo), I had been out for about 4 months and was with my companion Elder Spitze or Spits as the kids would call him...hehehe. This paticular day I was out on exchanges ,with one of our cool and very dedicated Branch Missionaries in the area Allen Ncube, but had alot of appts as far as checking on families to possibly teach and teaching appts as well....the appt that we had set up to teach one of the members father who had been interested but not good at keeping his appts and on this day it happened to fall thru.
As we started to walk away to go and check on other families within the area til our next appt, Allen look over to me and said "Hey Elder Hafoka, I have a friend that I have been sharing the gospel with and is my age (18). Do you think we can pay him a visit right now?" at first I was kind of thinking about time and how long it would take us to get to our next appt and who we could stop and see on the way, but something very small just kind of popped in my mind and I thought okay.
Turned out that Reginald was a very odd (in a good way) kid for his age. When alot of teens as you all know were either at the Beer garden, smoking or being premiscuious, Reginald was going to school and taking care of his little brother Junior who was I believe about 5 or 6 yrs old at the time. He didnt drink, didnt smoke and didnt hang out. Just went to school came home picked up his little brother from school and came home helped get his brothers dinner ready and study all while his Mother was away as a teacher in Plum tree. Now tell me that wasnt white and ready to harvest? gets better=)
As the time past Elder Spitze and I had been teaching him the discussions and were going good. When it came time to introduce the Book of Mormon we had offered him the Book but said it was okay....??????? could it go smooth and okay, as far as Joseph Smith, the Church, the seperate personages of the Godhead and the Book of Mormon, but not want to take the Book of Mormon? So we kind of just went on and also introduce the Doctrine and Covenants and asked if he would read something from it, when all of a sudden he said hold on and disappeared into the back room and came back with a leather 3 in 1!!!! We were looking at him like Huh?!! "Where did you get that from?!!" He said that he had bought one thru Allen and it was in still in very good condition to the point that were looking at it like "oh okay, you got it more like a novelty thing instead of to read it. Sure enough though, when we had the scriptures and tried to help him locate the scriptures we saw that this kid had his scriptures all marked to ones that he had actually studied and was going over with Allen and asking questions about. Crazy huh?! okay not really but talk about ready to harvest!
So the discussion go good he comes to church and attends regularly with his Little Brother Junior. Now he had been a great person to share the gospel with but just wouldnt give us a definite answer on baptism. So again were like huh? I wonder why? Come to find out, and if any of you know him, he was so concerned about what his Mom would say cause they were a really close knit family and really were all they had. He finally told us why he couldnt commit to baptism and asked us if we would talk to his Mother. His Mom is a very educated person and spoke perfect english and understood it well too due to her working with alot of American and English volunteer workers so when we were there to talk about who we were and what we were sharing with her son it was kind of intimidating cause she was asking alot of "fire" questions...hahahaha...but luckily we just answered according to what the spirit had taught us thru studying and other experiences on mission. It turned out that she was just honestly making sure that we weren't some church that was trying to have her son join that would pull him away from her or change him from the way he was. The funny thing about the whole meeting with his Mom was that when we were there talking with her, he was kind of like a little kid again kind of scared of what his Mom would say but ready to give her his reasons of why he felt it was true and why he wanted to join. We ended up baptising Reginold and he ended up becoming the Branch Mission leader and I believe ended up getting called on his mission to South Africa and oh yeah when we were there with his Mom she accepted to be taught as well and would attend church when she was home. That was one of the many cool experiences that I had on my mission no that we all have had an experience in one way or another that started small but ended up great.
ps if anyone that knows or knew Reginold in Nkulumane Branch and had an update on him I would very appreciative if you could post it.
Ofa atu,
Na'a Hafoka |
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