Displaying 151 - 160 of 236
Name Title Served President Updated
Nkwe, Vusi Elder 2005-2007 2007-09-05
(none) Sahid Kamara, Mohamed - Elder 1992-1994 Brown 2003-03-23
(None) Mubiru, Shawn E-sir Elder 2004-2006 2007-11-05
Nyoni, Michael Leonard Elder 1996-1998 Boucher 2006-09-25
Oates, Matthew Lyle Elder 2002-2004 Botterell 2006-01-28
Obadiah, Jastus Suchi Elder 1995-1997 Clark | Boucher 2011-10-06
O'Driscoll, Rusty Elder 1995-1997 Clark | Boucher 2009-10-12
Okello, Olego Richard Elder 1994-2006 Boucher 2006-10-12
okorie, Ikechukwu adiele Elder 1999-2000 Waldron 2005-06-17
Olson, Justin Elder 1992-1994 Brown 2001-03-21

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