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Alaska Anchorage Mission

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Stories: Marvin Lightner Conversion Story

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Marvin Lightner Conversion Story 22 Jan 2005
After living in Alaska for two-and-a-half years and meeting the wrong kind of people, I had been feeling a little down and out. Some people had taken advantage of my trusting first nature. One day at a local transfer station (dump) I picked up a book “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”. I started reading it and after a week or two (halfway through the book) I was urged to call a local Latter-day Saint and ask for a Book of Mormon to read. I met with Brother Ricardson and received a copy. I then began reading it and the “Marvelous Work” together. Shortly after receiving the Book of Mormon, a couple of missionaries called at my door—two very nice girls, “Sisters Larsen and Mason.” Arrangements were made and we met twice weekly at the local ward and discussed what I had read. I asked a few questions and they reciprocated with a few of their own. I learned a few things and made the sisters cry a lot (tears of joy) because of some of my past experiences and revelations. I cried, too. I was prompted to be baptized and after conferring with the Bishop and Elders, (it took a couple months) a date was finally set. Brother Nicoll baptized (by immersion) his son first and then myself. Next was the laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The night before I was reading a scripture on worthiness and Satan convinced me I was not worthy, so I didn’t show for Sunday’s meeting. President Wood, Bishop Schiess, and an Elder had questioned me previously, and all had said I was worthy. So on said Sunday I was lying in bed, tormented with unworthiness by the adversary when there was a knock on my door. It was the bishop with an Elder Wiebold come to inquire as to my absence. They convinced me to get dressed and deny Lucifer’s attack. We arrived before the service ended and I was confirmed by the laying on of hands and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost. My days have become more joyful and life is a little easier. I still have battles with our antagonist, but through constant denial of his advances and lots of knee-bending prayer, it is becoming easier to live. I am a big-time sinner and have turned over a new stone in my life. Repenting from sins has lifted a mighty weight off my shoulders. As I have cast off my sins as our Savior requested I have felt the weight removed—starting from the feet and moving upwards until lifted from me. A joy entered into my soul that is indescribable. When one has had a spiritual experience and felt the Love, Joy, and Peace that comes after repentance, why would one want to live any other way? This is my (part) story (and I’m sticking to it) and I bear testimony to the truth that our Savior, Jesus Christ, lives and I believe the Book of Mormon to be the truth and I am a witness in full.
David Carl Moberly Send Email

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