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Alaska Anchorage Mission

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Stories: Sister

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Sister 01 Oct 2001
Well, one time I was in sacrament, and me and my companion were sitting with a less active member. We were waiting for the sacrament to come around to us. I noticed it was taking a long time, so I looked up and saw they were lining up to get the water. When the young deacon got to me, I told him that we had not gotten the bread. He looked mortified but said ok. He went back up to the priest, and told him that there were some people that had not gotten the bread, and asked what should they do? The priest leaned back, thought for a second, then asked the priest sitting next to him. The other priest said to go ask the bishop. The priest went to the bishop and explained the situation. The bishop got the biggest grin on his face and said, "Give them the bread". They proceeded to do so, as me, my companion, and the less active sister tried to keep from laughing.
Jenifer Littlefield Send Email

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