Canada Winnipeg Mission

The mission covers the Saskatoon Saskatchewan and Winnipeg Manitoba stakes, and the Fort Qu'Appelle Saskatchewan district. Nicknamed the "Keystone" Mission for several reasons not least, it's location in Manitoba known as the ' Keystone Province'. (For more information, see First Presidency Message - Ensign Jan 1992, and Wikipedia's entry for Keystone).
"The name Winnipeg was formed from two Cree Indian words, win and nipee, meaning “muddy water.” Located 60 miles (100 km) north of North Dakota and Minnesota, this capital city of the province of Manitoba has been called the crossroads of Canada.
The Church was introduced in Manitoba as early as 1884, when Theodore Brandley, a 34-year-old Swiss convert, traveled there from Utah as a missionary. A few years later, Icelandic convert Jacob Johnson taught the gospel to fellow Icelanders in the area.
At the turn of the century, eight missionaries proselyted, sold a few hundred copies of the Book of Mormon, and baptized persons who then immigrated to Alberta and LDS centers in other areas.
By 1910 there were 37 members in the Winnipeg Sunday School, and in 1914 the first meetinghouse in Winnipeg was dedicated. In 1976 the Canada Winnipeg Mission was created with about 4,200 members." Source: Janet Kruckenberg, “News of the Church,” Ensign, Feb. 1999, 78
"The 252,000-square-mile province of Saskatchewan, located in central Canada, has been called by some “the forgotten place on the Canadian prairie.” Latter-day Saints in Saskatchewan feel anything but forgotten, however, as unexpected spiritual blessings have come their way in recent years.
The Regina Saskatchewan Temple was dedicated on 14 November 1999.
Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles came to preside at a special stake conference on 27–28 October [2001]. During the Saturday session of conference in Regina, Elder Nelson created the Regina Saskatchewan Stake." Source: Janet Kruckenberg, “Saints in Saskatchewan, Canada,” Ensign, Feb. 2002, 73
Mission Home Address:
25 Center St
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3Y 2C3
General Phone: (204) 775-0466