Usage Guidelines

Web sites that are part of the LDS Mission Network may use the LDSMN buttons without written permission by following the button usage guidelines.

Other Web sites cannot use the LDS Mission Network brand—either in print, multimedia, or on a Web site—without the express written permission of the LDS Mission Network. Permission to use the brand can be obtained by contacting us. Generally, we grant permission to use the LDSMN brand only to those Web sites with whom we have a direct relationship or who are a part of our network of approved sites.

Button Installation Instructions

To download a button, just drag it to your desktop (Macintosh), or right-click and "Save image as..." (PC).

Please note that these buttons use GIF transparency; set the border value to "0" in your HTML code (see code example below).

Note: You can send visitors to the LDS Mission Network in a separate window so that they do not leave your site. Just target your link. The value "_blank" will open a new window; if you want to target all external URLs on your site to the same separate window, just name it (e.g., target="my_window"). This will prevent infinite window- spawning.

For example:

<a href="" title="LDS Mission Network" target="_blank"><img src="ldsmn-88x31-m.gif" border="0" name="LDS Mission Network" alt="LDS Mission Network"></a>

Button Usage Guidelines

The LDS Mission Network logo must be used according to the following guidelines:

Required link
Each LDS Mission Network button or banner must always be an active link to its respective URL (listed below each button).

Required size
The size of the LDS Mission Network buttons are 88 by 31 pixels. It should not be scaled to any other size.

Required placement
The button must be placed in a prominent spot on your Web site and must always stand alone (not be combined with any other graphical elements) or be placed against a high-contrast background.

No alteration allowed
The LDS Mission Network buttons must not be altered in any way. The button may not be taken apart, changed in proportion, color or fonts, shrunk, or otherwise altered from the art supplied by LDS Mission Network.

Positive presentation
The site must display the LDS Mission Network buttons in a positive manner. The buttons may not be used to depict the LDS Mission Network in a negative way.

Member Sites

<a href="" title="LDS Mission Network" ><img src="ldsmn-88x31-m.gif" border="0" name="LDS Mission Network Member" alt="LDS Mission Network Member"></a>

Affiliate Sites

<a href="" title="LDS Mission Network"><img src="ldsmn-88x31.gif" border="0" name="LDS Mission Network" alt="LDS Mission Network"></a>

Page Author: Derek Hansen - Send Feedback
Last Updated: Thu Sep 5 10:00:41 2002