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Brothers and sisters, I would like to share a story with about myself, and how I became blind. I apologize to you, if it is personal. Please forgive me if this be the case (D&C 64 VERSE 9.) BY NO MEANS do I intend to detract from the spirit of Missionary Work. If you have return home, I want to share this with you. Otherwise, if you are now serving a Mission, please wait until you return home. So, here it is.
Hello, everyone. My name is Ron Roberts, and I want to share with you a story about myself.
I also want to share with you some things that I did in my life, and I will go through some of the questions asked of me, as I go alog with my own story. They are as follows:
1. What are your challenges?
2. What are your successes?
3. What are your hopes and dreams?
4. What are your spiritual goals?
1. What are your challenges?
When I was a baby, I was totally blind from birth. My first mother had the German Meezles (I think,) when she was pregnant with me. At age 2, (or sooner, I don't remember,) I started walking around inside the house. When I was a baby, I had a blessing from God that I would be able to see with my eyes. As I was getting older, I started to have my eye-sight (which made a huge difference to me!) I went to a school, where there the Special Education things were taught. I simply had to learn math, reading, spelling, writing, music, and other things that most of us had to learn. I grew up in Ridgecrest, California. I was born in Santa Barbra, California back in 1965 (November 2nd.)
With me being blind, I have quite a few challenges, which I had to deal with! Because of that, I am unable to do anything that I would love to have done; such as:
3. HAVING MY OWN FAMILY (not even having a wife and children)
4. CHANGING DIAPERS (for babies)
This list can go on! My biggest challenges that I have, was my first mother died back in 1978 from a brain- tummor! I was only 12 years old at that time! I had a very, very, very, very, very hard time understanding about death and the resurrection, because, I was so young!! I was so close to my first mother at that time, and I had refused to let her go! But life goes on, and on!
Later that year, I went to the California School for the Blind. I was there until 1985 (May.) Then, I went to another place, and learnned how to do my own laundry and shopped for food. I can go on and on with what I did years later.
When I was 8 years old, I started learnning how to play the piano. Ever since then, I have played the piano. Now, the only way that I can learn a song is by listening to the radio, tape, or even a CD! If there are any parts to a song that I needed to learn, I have to hear it over and over, until I get the whole song into my head! Once is not enough! I have to hear a song at least 2 times! Another success that I had, was, that I was able to go places on my own! Just like any other person, I can walk, talk, move, and other things. In other words, I am a normal person, even though I am somewhat blind! I can watch TV with my telescope, watch a basketball game,
go to a concert, etc. I have been asked if I was happy being blind! I responded: "No, I am not very happy being blind!" It is such a blessing to me, being able for me to have any eye-sight at all!
Questions 3 and 4 ("What are your hopes and dreams?," and "What are your spiritual goals?") in my opinion, go together. Why? Because, I feel that all of my challenges will be overcome! As for me, waiting is very hard in this life! I have to wait until the next life before I can have my own family (having my own wife and children,) driving and fixing a car (I am not sure if there will be any cars in the next world,) etc. All of those things listed above will no longer be in my way! All of those challenges are not my falt of my own, but, they all came with my blindness from birth! I have no choice,
but, I had to deal with them! I am as happy as I can get, and I always have a positive attitude about life to the best that I can. No blessing from God will ever be denied in the next world, as long as I do my best in keeping the com-
mandments of God. I know that He will give me everything, if I am faithful in doing His own Will (meaning God's Will. I have a very strong testimony of His Gospel. I hope that I shared something that is most positive! I invite all of you to read and study John chapter 9 in the Bible. Thank you for letting me share with you my thoughts and feelings about life. By the way, I came from a family of 12 kids. I have 6 brothers, and 5 sisters. My first mother had 9 kids, and I am one of them. When my first mother died, my dad had married my 2nd mother, who had 3 more kids. What a blessing it is, to be in a family! I love all of them, and gives me support!"
Sorry if this is a little to long, but, I wanted to share it with you as well as the scriptures. |
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