Greece Athens


Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 -- Add Message

Reunion? 16 Mar 2011
So no reunion scheduled for the coming General Conference? I will be in SLC and would have loved to see a few of you...
Gilles François Send Email
Bring them back campaign 17 May 2010
Follow the links and participate:
Gilles François Send Email
Looking for help in Greek business 03 Nov 2009

I'm taking a business opportunity to Greece and I'm looking for some help. I think the Greeks would go beyond nuts for this.

Contact me if you would like to know more.

Thanks, guys.

(801) 766-2442
David Ren Jenkins Send Email
Basilis Kondoyianatos 03 Nov 2009
Does anyone know how to contact Basilis? He lived in Koukaki last time I talked with him. Email or phone would be great.

I lost his information.

David Jenkins
(801) 766-2442
David Ren Jenkins Send Email
Nostalgia 01 Apr 2009
Hi everyone...
I was just reading the messages here and I wanted to tell all of you that I miss those days MANY years ago. Missions are so wonderful in so many aspects, those lasting friendships being one of the best ones.

President Tueller will receive on April 6th 2009 at BYU a Distinguished Service Award. Below are more info for those willing/able to attend:

Call the Kennedy Center, (801-422-3377) for more info or go to the International Society's website at
Gilles François Send Email
email address 31 Jan 2009
Hello everyone!
I need the email adress of Pte.Stone, or Pte.Memmott,
Someone can give it to me, I really need it.
Thank you very much.
Eva Gomez Send Email
Two questions 11 Jan 2009
Hi all, I have two questions for the GAM alumni out there:

1) Do any of you happen to know where a copy--preferably electronic PDF--of the (unoffical) hymn compendium "Τα `Άπαντα" (or any successor to it) can be obtained?

2) Are any of you attempting to speak to your children in Greek, all or part of the time, or teach them some Greek?
Christopher Anton Rytting Send Email
Hubert Tomcyk 17 Nov 2008
Is anyone in contact with Hubert--a Polish member living in Athens? I'm trying to reach him but without any luck. Any help would be appreciated.


Clayton Wariner
Clayton Wariner Send Email
Remembering 01 Mar 2008
First of all, thanks brother Joseph! Your heartfelt words, brother Baxter's quote, and the Elder's testimony (in Greek) witness the type of love Jesus has for us: pure, sincere, practical, and inspiring.

I'd like to type a few words in support of your testimony on this board. I hope my message doesn't detract – and that it is received in the spirit from which it comes. My intention is to bear a second witness of the usefulness of the gospel in our lives. And I hope this is read by each one of my brothers and sisters who formerly served within the boarders of the Greece Athens Mission; by anyone who for whatever reason does not enjoy regular association in the church; and by those who are looking for more answers, truth, guidance and hence peace and happiness beyond present comprehension.

Aside from a sure testimony of the ABSOLUTE truthfulness of this restored gospel and of every one of our modern prophets, even President Thomas S. Monson, there are a few things I've learned in my life. I know of their truthfulness and I've found them to be useful.

1. God and Jesus love us beyond our comprehension.
2. While we can abandon them, They, through the witness of the Spirit, will never stop loving us and hoping we return to their protection. Ask and ye SHALL truly receive.
3. The power of Christ's atonement is more real and personal and cleansing than anything I've ever experienced in my life. It is the source of life. It is the source of power.
4. If there are things we don't understand or find undesirable in the church it’s either due to the presence of us imperfect mortals, or our lack of understanding and the presence of pride. Either way, it is Satan's plan to make us think either matters and to take offense.
5. Our testimonies are living and require nourishment - they either grow or slowly wither - like a seedling. It is our choice but nourishment requires work.
6. The Book of Mormon is a conduit of God's wisdom and represents capacity for learning - not just words and stories one should read through once.
7. The deepest happiness comes through service to others. This comes when we forget the interests of self and relinquish vain ambition for the opportunity to be a tool in the Lord's hand.
8. Every effort to do good (follow Christ) increases our light and knowledge and brings us closer to Him. The contrary is also true, leading to darkness and ignorance.
9. Our potential as God's children is simple – He is our father.
10. Science and religion are not mutually exclusive; God is the Master scientist. Theories that defy his presence or capacity ironically deny fact.
11. Sometimes we come across things we don’t understand – it is then that we should not deny that we don’t understand or lean on an unsure answer – we should simply put the question in our “back pocket” and take them out later to see if we then understand with increased wisdom and study and testimony and faith.
12. We don’t know everything, but we DO know everything critical to our salvation. And we can know the truth of anything IF we are willing to pay the price (Moroni 10:4-6). Things of the spirit can be understood only through the Spirit.
13. Having lost a close loved one a few years back, I know first hand that His Resurrection is a gift to us all. I know that life doesn’t cease with death – and that the sealing available in the temple makes possible the continuation of our family relationship throughout all eternity.
14. When we choose a path contrary to Christ’s, we’re not only hurting ourselves. We are hurting those around us. We are losing opportunities where we might otherwise be a blessing to random people (and ourselves).
15. Prosperity can slowly harden our hearts. It doesn't mean it should be avoided - the challenge is to be humble without being compelled to be humble.
16. Bearing your testimony builds your testimony – it invites the Spirit and the Spirit bears witness to those who hear you AND to yourself.
17. Blessings truly come after the trial of your faith. Don’t give up in your darkest hours, because it is then that the sun about to burn through the clouds to lighten your load.
18. Prayer is a real and powerful means of communication, and the more in harmony with God’s will our prayers are (i.e. opportunities to serve others or opportunities for missionary work), the more we will recognize the answers. Still, sometimes His will adjusts in response to our fervent petition.
19. Joseph Smith was raised up for a special purpose, which he fulfilled. Humble in recognition of the import of his own message, he requests us to find out for ourselves in direct communication with the true God and Christ he saw personally.
20. Finally, I submit that everything is calculated by our loving Father in Heaven to bring us the ultimate growth and happiness.

This is my testimony - in our Savior Jesus Christ's name - I pray we can keep or gain firm grasp on the iron rod and let it guide us to strong knowledge of the wisdom in doing so.

Much love, your brother.
Shane Hansen Send Email
G'day to all 28 Feb 2008
A warm and heartfelt g'day to all the GAM missionaries, ancient, old, recent and present.
I am really missing the old message board that was a great place for missionaries to leave comments and was very popular.
I have been talking to many old missionaries recently and feeling a bit down when I see the completely varied paths that all the GAM RMs have taken. If any of you reading this are no longer loving the church, have serious doubts or have given up all together I request just one thing. Will you please dust off that old Book of Mormon and start reading and then in light of your reading ask yourself if this book is not true, feel that same beautiful and familiar spirit that you had felt before and desire it. Here is a great quote for all.

"Discipleship does not guarantee freedom from the storms of life. Even as we are wending our way carefully and faithfully along the strait and narrow path, we encounter obstacle and challenge. There are days, perhaps even months and years, when life is just hard. We experience our fair share of adversity, heartache, loneliness, pain, grief--sometimes; it seems more than our fair share.
"What to do when adversity strikes? There is only one thing to do. Stand steady and see it through. Stay steadfast, constant, and true. The real tragedy in the whirlwinds of life comes only when we allow them to blow us off our true course."
David S. Baxter

Please don't let any of us be blown off our true course, at least not forever. I want so desperately to give my testimony that this church is true and that the work you were involved in was the most noblest work of all and I was priviledged to walk and work on the same ground as you. We should be living our lifes in such a way that if we were called to go home that we would be ready to meet Him who died for all of us, Him who sacrificed His life so that we might be able to ahve the fulness of joy and happiness that He and The Father enjoy.
I have attached a little link for a youtube video onyl several months old of one of the APs bearing his testimony in Greek, it is spine tingling. Also the mission president is President Galanos is a Greek speaking President from my part of the world Melbourne, and he is speaking Greek with the missionaries, how good is that???
Me agapi poli
Presvutero Rogers
Joseph R. Rogers Send Email
Facebook 30 Nov 2007
As a European returned missionary I found my way to facebook. Good way to keep in contact!! See all of you there! Yeah you to Cheryl!!


O Daviet from the old and faithfull 46B
David Richard Muntinga Send Email
Greek Headstones 27 Oct 2007

I live in Salt Lake and am our Stakes Indexing Director. But I am trying to work on extraction also for those of us who are of Greek heritage. I am working with someone in Athens at the American University of Athens. We are trying to locate volunteers to help take digital pictures of the grave tomb stones in Greece. I know some are looking worn but we would like to preserve what we can. The images would then be placed on which I would be happy to do. If you know of anyone who would be willing to help with this project please have them contact me. I also have a second email which is


Dawna Stevens Send Email
Where's Hawkes? 15 Aug 2007
Hello to all,

Just curious if anyone had a current email address for James Hawkes. Lost touch with him a few years back. Shoot me an email if you can help...or if you just want to say hi.

Todd S. Barfuss Send Email
Charles & Dorothy Sutherland email address 19 Apr 2007
Hey everybody,

I hope you are all well, especially those i served with. I was wondering if anyone has an email address for Charles and Dorothy Sutherland - the senior couple that served in Thess for a while? I coming going over to California in a few weeks and would love to visit them if they are home from their second mission.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nathan Ashfield
Nathan Ashfield Send Email
kalo paska! 11 Apr 2007
And kalo paska to you Cheryl! I hope you are happy and cheerful as I remember you. Lovya!
Franz Sidney Send Email
Kalo Pasca Folks. 05 Apr 2007
Dear All,
To all the old gang, and to all the folks recently returned from the old stomping ground.

Kalo Pasca.

Hope the season finds you well.

Love always,
Cheryl O'Riordan.
Cheryl Ann Whyte Send Email
Recent visit to Cyprus 23 Oct 2006
Hi All,
Recently returned from a holiday in Cyprus. Visited a new branch of the Church in Paphos and I would like to report that they are hanging on in there.

There is a new branch presidency, an English member couple. There are some hurt feelings in the branch, there are new members learning how to teach a class when they are new in the Gospel and English and Greek are foreign languages to them. The primary and youth programmes are basic. Business as usual.

But they have the spirit.

I know we do anyway, but any prayers we can pass along their way would really come in handy right about now.

Love to all,
Cheryl Ann Whyte Send Email
found her 21 Oct 2006
I found her
Marie Schmidl Send Email
Sara Squarcia 19 Oct 2006
Does anybody have a current email address or phone number of Sara Squarcia? I am going to Rome and would really like to see her.
Marie Schmidl Send Email
Greek Festival in Salt Lake City 09 Sep 2006
Simon beat me to it, but there's a Greek festival in Salt Lake this weekend, Sep 8, 9, and 10 (that would be yesterday, today, and tomorrow). Greek food, Greek dancers, Greek music, etc. Also the Greek church has been recently renovated so it's looking nice.

$3 to get in + food + CDs + etc. At 300 S 300 W in SLC.
David Hammond Send Email
Greek festival this weekend Salt Lake City 06 Sep 2006
Is anyone going to the greek festival this weekend in Salt Lake?


Simon Blundell
Simon Blundell Send Email
Ian Lewis 10 Aug 2006
Does anyone have a number for Ian. I just want to say hi.



David Ren Jenkins Send Email
Fotis Bassiliadis 10 Aug 2006
Does anyone know what happened to Fotis. I just got off the phone with Elder Yantzen (one of the assistants) and he does not know anything of him or where he went.

Fotis lived on the beach in a little cement shack. He has long hair and is quite fun. (he has 2 P.H.D.s by the way.

When the Olympics came in they tore up the Paralia in Kalamaki and he had to move. We are going to locate him, etc.


David Jenkins
(801) 253-6100, but respond here also
David Ren Jenkins Send Email
Athens Re-union 09 May 2006

Due to HUGE commitments this summer in the UK I'm unable to go forward with the reunion in Athens in this August. I am very sorry.

My little ironing shop as gone bonkers and I need to be here in an "All Hands To The Pumps" fashion as well as a close family member deciding to get married in Morocco about the same time...

For those folks that are local(ish) - how do you fancy getting together in London area during the World Cup Season one evening?

Luv ya all,
Have a great summer :o)
Cheryl Ann Whyte Send Email
Translation help with a Greek man in Salt Lake 13 Apr 2006
Hi. Ryan Tenney and I are working with a man named Alex who is joining the church. We have been translating church for him and now discussions. Please let me know if you would like to assist. Yes, this is just like the good 'ol days, except...Yes, he wants to join!

I'm sure you would love working with Alex (Verikokidis) and would find your Greek coming back. Mine has. Thanks. Give me a call - David (801) 898-3684. His church is at 11am Sundays. We are having a discussion tonight at 5:30 pm in the Kearns area if anyone would like to make it. Call me for directions. Yia!
David Ren Jenkins Send Email
Re: Branch in Heraklion 06 Feb 2006
I believe a long time ago there used to be a few members meeting on an American Air Force(?) base in Crete, but that currently the closest unit of the church would be in Athens.
Philip Christopher Newton Send Email
Branches in Heraklion 01 Feb 2006
Hi there,
I am a member in Hungary, but in February I'll move to Heraklion for six months. Can someone tell me if there is a branch near I could attend?
Thanks a lot
Csaba Csapo
Csaba Csapo Send Email
A reunion? 25 Oct 2005
Vick and I will be in England sometime during World cup season (June'06) and we may just fancy a trip. Keep us posted!
Craig William Skinner Send Email
Church in Athens 24 Oct 2005
Hi Steve, I went to the Halandri Branch in September - my first time to see the chapel. Sadly, the missionaries outnumbered the members, but they all said there were usually more members there regularly. I met Athanasia, Julieanna, Gracia, two Phillipina members, and an RM from Poland(?) who now lives there. The missionaries all seem pretty sharp and on top of things, and I enjoyed watching the elder in the back interpreting one of the senior missionary's testimony into Greek - he did great until he got to "lengthen your shuffle". They (missionaries and members) were all very welcoming to me, and were anxious for news of the RM's that I work with interpreting for conference (Melonakos, Cortmann, Durand, Campbell, Cardwell, etc). I don't know how the other branches are doing, I wish I'd had a few more Sundays to attend those branches as well. Next time. The missionaries report the work is slow and discouraging at times (what else is new) but I have lots of confidence in them - I was very impressed. That the church will survive, and begin to thrive, I have no doubt. It's only a matter of time!
Heather Housley Send Email
CHURCH 25 Sep 2005
Steve Smith Send Email

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