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Stories: Nurini Hamid’s Faith

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Nurini Hamid’s Faith 13 Jul 2006
Nurini Hamid’s Faith (based on a 1 June 2002 interview) Nurini Hamid (Javanese) was raised in a non-practicing Muslim family. She married Arif Hamid (Sudanese from Cirebon). Both had diverse religious interests. Nurini indicated that since her childhood she had wanted to become a Christian while she described her husband as enjoying the study of various religions as well as the mystical practices of kebatinan. In 1974 Nurini had a dream in which she saw a tall white-robed angel with white hair. She was asked by the angel to go to a hill which she described as being a very beautiful place. The angel then told her: “This is your place.” She then entered the hill and found a lovely house inside. Several months later in October 1974, Elder Funk and Elder Jorgensen knocked (back in the days when door-to-door proselytizing was still permitted) at the humble home of the Hamid family. Nurini invited the two missionaries in. She was willing to listen, but Bapak Hamid was not. As part of the teaching process, the elders showed Nurini a filmstrip. When a picture of the Angel Moroni was projected on the wall, a startled Nurini asked: “Who is that?” She wanted to know for it was the angel in her dream. She then knew that she had been called to this church. Based on her dream and her testimony, Bapak Hamid then agreed to join in the discussions. Together the couple was eventually baptized. They both served faithfully in the Semarang Branch and made sure that all of their six children were baptized as they came of age. In 1986 Bapak Hamid unexpectedly passed away at the age of 48. His death left Nurini and the children in dire straits. She had no income and their house was provided by the father’s work which necessitated that Nurini and the children (ages 9-19) find new housing. The family owned two plots of land, but did not have enough money to build a house on one of the plots. One day a desperate Nurini was praying for guidance and help when there was a knock on the door--a man had heard of a plot for sale and was offering to buy it. The money from that sale, plus the retirement money from Bapak Hamid was just enough to build the needed house. Within two weeks of her husband’s death, Nurini knew that the family would have a place to live and that all would be well. Nonetheless, providing for six children was not always easy. That burden was lightened somewhat by college loans from the church for four of the children. Over time all six children (Reni, Toto, Rinta, Wawan, Ari and Joko) served missions in Indonesia and are now gainfully employed. In a 1 June 2002 interview, a tearful Sister Hamid testified of the tender mercies of the Lord in helping her to buy a home and to raise her children. Please send your favorite stories to Chad Emmett at
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