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 | Elder Ronald D. Hathcock Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Kenji Akagi (1974 - 1977) | Robert Thomas Stout (1977 - 1980) | Served: 1976 - 1978 | Areas Served: "Kakogawa, Sakai II, Okamachi III, Hombu, Hirakata" | Companions: Randall John Clifford | Dan Freed | E. Lee Hendricks | Francis Joseph Kuta | Douglas Law | Michael T. O'Connor | Steven Scott Turner | Your Occupation: Proctor in college testing center | Spouse: Aline McLane | Comments: The Good News: I've completed my studies and have been certified as an Associate Clinical Chaplain (CPSP), making me one of a handful of LDS chaplains who were not military chaplains.
The Bad News: As of 12 Sep 2009, I'm a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) survivor. Until just a few years ago, the correct term would have been Sudden Cardiac Death Victim, because hardly anyone ever survived. Today I'm in the lucky 5% who collapse in the right place (lots of adults around, 100 yards from the fire station with EMTs and their defibrillator). I'm also in the group whose heart disease (dilated ventricular cardiomyopathy) is idiopathic, a Greek-based word meaning either "caused by an unknown disease" or "we doctors are idiots, and this is pathetic, but we don't have a clue!" |
Created: 04 Jan 1999 Modified: 31 Jul 2017 |
Last Login: 17 May 2019 10:48:14 PM |
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