News Item: Nathan White Memorial
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April 13, 2003
Dear Osaka Missionaries,
I just received an email from Sandra Peterson regarding one of
our fellow Osaka Mission alumni who was recently serving in Iraq.
This was of such importance that I wish to make a general
announcement to the entire Osaka Mission Alumni list.
I just received a phone call from Jeanine Heaps Creer that
Nathan White's parents in Abilene, Texas, had been notified by the
military that their son, Nathan White's body had indeed been found
and that he was now declared officially deceased and no longer
missing. His parents have requested that Osaka Mission
missionaries send fond remembrances and pictures of Nathan to
Jeanine Heaps Creer, also a former Osaka missionary who lives in
the same ward as Nathan's parents. Since Nathan's wife is
Japanese, she has requested that Japanese missionaries, possibly
ward members in Japan, especially Nobuaki Irie, be contacted about
Nathan's death and send letters, memories about Nathan to Jeanine
Heaps Creer also. Jeanine's email is jcreerj@netzero.net.
Please feel free to contact Sandra Peterson on email for
further questions.
Sandra Peterson at
I wish to extend personally my deepest sympathy for Nathan's
family as well as gratitude for this the greatest sacrifice made on
behalf of the liberty and way of life of my family.
Jason Barney
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