News Item: Elder Jon Hales accident
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Update on 3/26 from another fellow Alumni:
"I have been in contact with Jon Hales' wife and she informed me that he in now out of ICU and at the Loma Linda rehab facility. He damaged his spinal cord at the C5 level but does have some use of his upper extremities and is no longer on the ventillator. She has a blog and regularly gives updates on his progress. The website is:
3/20/2006 - I received the following unfortunate news from a fellow alumni asking to post this on the web site. Those of you who feel inspired to do so, please mention Jon Hales in your prayers. Also, if you have additional information, please let me know and I will update this posting.
"I just learned on Saturday that Jon Hales (1992-1994) was involved in a bad motorcycle accident last week. He is currently in the ICU in Riverside CA and has a broken vertebrae in his back. His long term prognosis seems unclear. He is stable and alert but it is uncertain if his paralysis is temporary or permanent."
Jonathan Walker
Webmaster, Japan Osaka Mission
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