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Elder Christijan Draper

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Kenneth S. Armstrong (1993 - 1996) | Glen Markus (1996 - 1999)
Served: 1994 - 1996
Language(s) spoken:English, Molo Buti, Kunjani Wena, Beta Wena
Areas Served:
King Williams Town, East London, Port Elizabeth, Windhoek, Gugulethu, Cape South
Ryan Adcox | Joey R Almeida | Scott R. Budge | Quentin Du Preez | Clinton Stuart Futter | Eric W Johnson | Peter Liddell | Joey Ryan Neff | Matt Jeffrey Nolte | Brian Sorensen | Kalev Jaan Taim | Nathan D. Walker
Your Occupation: MASTER
Spouse: Valorie Woodbury Draper
I worked as a page designer and copy editor for The Times-News in Twin Falls, Idaho, for a few years, then got a hankering to change professions. I applied for and was accepted into the Youth and Family Recreation program as a masters degree student at BYU.

I worked as a radio news director in Alaska for the summer before moving down to Provo to start the program.

Valorie and I have 3 children: Matthew (4), Aurora (2) and Thomas (7 months).

I'd love to hear from anyone I knew.
Created: 28 Aug 2001  Modified: 04 Jan 2007
Last Login: 04 Jan 2007 08:35:39 PM