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Userid / password 13 Oct 2006
I'm terribly sorry to all of you for my slacking in sending / resetting passwords. One thing that bugs me, is that people request that the admin password be reset, which ends up resetting my password about once a week....

So, I am haven't figured out a way to share admin responsibility with someone else because every week it gets reset.

Anyways, I've updated some of your email addresses and emailed you your password. Please create a new profile if I don't respond within a week or so, and I'll simply delete the old one. There are directions for resetting your password on the home page also.
Also, for some reason, quite a while back all the elders got set to Sisters, because of some mission.net system glitch. This is nothing personal, please don't take it that way, it's not a joke either...just some glitch with the admins. doing maintenance on the server or something. I haven't made the time to go through by hand all 400-500 profiles to reset them back to Elder, but I'll slowly start doing that ...

Thanks for your patience.

Adam Hiatt
Adam M. Hiatt Send Email

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