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 | Elder Kevin Michael Fenn Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: Dean Larsen (1993 - 1996) | Served: 1994 - 1996 | Areas Served: Santa Teresa, Charallave, Ocumare, Santa Lucia, la oficina, Guatire, La Urbina | Companions: Chris Armstrong | Christopher Adam Bishop | Jesús Argenis Camejo | Oscar Armando Fernandez | Todd Larson | Martin John Madsen | Steven D. Mahoney | Ryan Mcguire | Bryce S. Thompson | Bryan E. Wilson | Your Occupation: Support Manager for a Network Security Company | Spouse: Tami Lyn Fenn | Comments: I've been married for 18 years now and have 3 children: Brooklyn was born in February 2002 and Isaac was born in December 2003 and our newest addition Jack was born March 2007. They're a cute bunch and they keep us busy. I was in the Elder's Quorum Presidency a few years after we got married in 1998, moved to Webelos Cub Scouts as a den leader, worked as the Ward Executive Secretary, then a Valiant 10 Primary teacher, a Ward Clerk, served in a Bishopric, and have been moving in and out of different YM organizations over the past 5 years with a focus on scouting. I work at Symantec as a Sr. Manager for the escalation support team in Draper, Utah and enjoy being a "computer geek" of sorts. My wife stays at home with the kids trying to keep sane with three little ones. The church is true. What more can I say! |
Created: 29 May 2002 Modified: 07 Nov 2016 |
Last Login: 07 Nov 2016 02:32:59 PM |
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