Displaying 1 - 15 of 15
Name Title Served President Updated
LaPierre, Jeremy Lee Elder 2001-2001 Lopes 2008-01-30
Larson, Thad Elder 1996-1997 Moreira | Fisher 2015-07-25
Layton, Jaren Elder 1998-2000 Fisher | Lopes 2003-11-12
LeDuc, David Russell Elder 1999-2001 Lopes 2007-09-07
(Lee) Draper, Susan Lee Sister 1993-1995 Moreira 2007-08-20
(Liddiard) Cannon, Angie Sister 2004-2005 Tobias 2012-06-08
lima, Urbano Elder 1997-1999 2008-03-27
Lindsay, Ryan Sean Elder 1999-2001 Lopes 2002-02-06
Lindsay, Ryan Sean Elder 1999-2001 Lopes 2009-06-16
Lindsey, Eric Matthew Elder 1997-1999 Fisher 2002-04-16
longara, Fabio Elder 1996-1998 2005-02-27
Lopes, Ivone InĂ¡cio Sister 1997-1998 Fisher 2002-03-18
Loveridge, Lee Carson Elder 1992-1994 Moreira 2004-01-07
(Lowry) Dibble, Lana Sister 1993-1995 Moreira 2007-10-22
Ludovico, Marlon C. Elder 1995-1997 Moreira | Fisher 2005-07-22

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