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Take Mangos and Jocotes. Peal. Add Pinaple pulp and boil with sugar water until it is one
sticky mess. Serve. (This is a favorite Easter Dish, and quite good.)
Bean Soup
1. boil beans with garlic pepper, and onions. 2 Remove beans and crush.
3.Replace beans and simmer 4. Add eggs (just crack and egg and drop in boiling
Boleos are like bread sticks that have been baked to a hard crust and very
light. Commonly served with cheese or Pinolillo.
sent in by Doinisio Rogriguez
Buñuelos son masa (de yucca) revuletos con huevos, cuajada y luego se hacen bolas
no muy grandes y se frien.
Despues se sirven con miel, La miel se hace con azucar, agua, canela y clavo
de color.
.. in english Buñuelos 1. take dough made of ground up yuca root.
eggs, and quajada (kind of a cheese base product) 2. deep fry in until
a golden brown 3. serve with syrup.
Cajeta de Leche
Take milk and boil. As milk is comming to a rolling boil, slowly add sugar.
Let cool. If all is well the Cajeta should be brown and sticky. If you've
done real well it sould be semi-solid, although it is still good in pudding form.
Cajeta de Coco
Take boiling corn syrup with a little water and add shredded coconut and sugar.
Add coco powder or rasberry extract to color. Let cool.
NOTE: Emilio Arteaga informs me that this is good with
added cachews. Never Tried it, sounds good!
Carne Asada
Take one char-broiled steak, serve with Nicaraguan style salad, vinagre, chilis
and sliced tomatoes
(Submitted by Emilio Arteaga)
Cook Barley with pieces of pinaple, cinamon, and clavos de olor.Blend and sieve about 3/4th of the mixture. Recombine
Add rasberry extract, sugar and water.
Nicaraguan cheese is usually white and very salty. I haven't found
a cheese quite like it here.
Take ground up pinaapple cores, or ground
up corn cobs your choice ( grind to about the size of rock
salt or a little smaller). Soak a third of your mixture in in rasberry
extract and another third in vanilla extract (the real stuff, not immitation).
Mix it all together and serve with water and sugar.
Take pealed bananas, stick a popsicle stick
in one end. Freeze. Dip in warm dipping chocolate, sometimes with chopped
peanuts. Refreeze, as soon as the chocolate is semi-hard.
Cosa de Orno
In Nicaragua you will commenly hear people with baskets over there head
shouting "va la cosa de orno". or "Here comes the oven thing". The
person could be refering to one of several things but probably is refering
to either 1. cornbread (made with corn not corn meal, extremely sweet) or 2.
hard baked cookies that are rich in baking powder and corn.
Gallo Pinto, every missionaries favorite
1. boiled pinto beans (the reddest you can find)
2. squash a few up
3. add to rice fried in oil
4. mix the two together and let them keep frying until everything is tender.
Serve with advacato slices, salty cheese, tejada frita, or nothing at all.
If you live down there you *will* learn to love this. (about 3 times a day,
every day. But made with all the love in the world, by the most awsome people
in the world.)
Indio Viejo
- Hervir la carne (cesina es el nombre) con cebolla, chiltoma, sal y ajo
Nota: No vaya a tirar el agua con que hirvio la carne
- Usar tortillas de maiz (o si quiere puede usar la masa). Ponga a
remojar las tortillas con agua y dejarlas por un buen rato y luego
licuarla bien para que le salga como masa.
- Despues que se cosio la carne va a terner que cortarla en
pedazos peque~nos y freirla con tomate, cebolla, achote molido
- Luego le echa las tortillas (o la masa) y luego
le echa el caldo (el liquedo que quedo cuando hirvio la carne)
- Tiene que estarlo meniandolo bien haste que le que un poquito
esposo o al gusto que desea pero antes que lo vaya a quitar del
fuego pongale hierva buena para darle el ultimo toque final.
submitted by: Arana@CSMC.EDU
Eucalpytous Juice
Self explanatory, whew this will clear up the nose!!!!
Milk is often served with ground up bananas and vanilla.
Misc. Drinks
Drinks are also made up of carrot juice and sugar or beet juice and
sugar. Both taste like cool-aid.
Cut beef tripe into pieces about as big as half
a dollar bill. Add basil leaves, oregano whatever. Boil in soup form.
To truely make this
dish you have to boil the nacatamale in platano leaves, but since they're
hard to come by most Nicaraguan emigrants to the US just use tin foil.
Start with raw pork meat (people who don't eat pork will substutite
turkey or just plain leave out the meat). Place the meat on a ball of
masa, which is a doughy substance made of corn meal.
Then place just a little
bit of mixture of rice, cubed potatoes, and sliced tomatoes. Then wrap in
platano leaves and boil. Be sure to
tie shut with a string so the water won't tear apart the nacatamales.
Ox-Tail soup
Make a soup out of Ox-tails, basil, oregano, and whatever else is nearby.
To make picos you take ordinary bread dough, roll thin, and cut into large
triangles (about 6" long on each side)
then you place about a half teaspoon of cane sugar and sprinkle quajada (
a powdery cheese) on top, then fold the corners in to make a smaller
triangle (about 3" long on each side) and bake.
Grind up, baked corn
kernals. Add cocoa powder and sugar, suficient to give a sweet taste and brown
Each glass should have about 2" of this mixture. It is extremly sweet and
Fresco de pitahaya
Peal one pitahaya. chop in blender. add lemon, sugar, and water to taste.
Pollo Tapado
Serve cut up chicken fried with cubed potatoes and cubed
squash (green squash as in gords) and water. Served on a bed of boiled rice.
Ropa Viejo
Boil Chuck Roast or Pot Roast until tender (about 1 - 2hrs pending size)
Let cool then tear pices apart
Fry with alot onion, tomato, and a bit of green pepper
add the juice of one lime, salt, pepper
Serve with boiled rice and Nicaraguan salad.
Sent by esi seng,
Nicaraguan salad is typically made out of cabbage, vinagre, and chilies.
It is sometimes made with diced tomato though usually not.
Lettuce is not common.
Take cooked sliced beef (as in
a pot roast) and grind it up really fine. Then drench the meat
in lemon juice and salt. Then serve with tejada frita and rice.
Sopa de Albondigas
6 Tazas de caldo de res
1/2 libra de lomo de cerdo molido
1 taza de masa para tortillas
1 cucharada de cebolla molida
adobo para colorear
sal y pimienta
1 taza de caldo de pollo
1pechuga de pollo molida
1 cucharada de chiltoma picada
1 huevo
Se pone el caldo de res al fuego, cuando hierve se le echan 2 cucharadas de=
previamente desbaratadas en el caldo de pollo, para que espese. Se revuelve
el cerdo, pollo, el resto de la masa, cebolla, chiltoma, sal, pimienta,
adobo, huevo y hierbabuena picada, se amasa y se hacen las alb=F3ndigas, se
van echando en la olla una a una, cuando hierva de nuevo, se le pone una
rama de hierbuena.
Tajada Frita
1. slice up pealed platanos, thicnkess should be constant for the whole
batch but vaires, some like thin others like up to 3/8ths" thick.
2. fry in grease add salt throughout frying.
Tamarindo Juice
Every once in a while the supermarkets in the USA will carry a fruit called a tamarindo.
They look kind of like a huge string bean, but are brown on the outside and
orange on the inside. If you can find some you can make a juice by shelling
the tamarindas and squeezing the pulp into a pitcher. (Actually mooshing would
be a better verb.) Then you add suger and water to taste, Delicious.
Fried Cow Tounge
self explanatory. Usually served in a barbique type sause
Similar to a fruit coctail drink but instead of the typical U.S. ingredients use:
Cubed Papaya, Cantelope, Watermelon, and pinapple. Add a little of mango pulp
if you desire.
Take Boiled Yuca Root. cut up into pieces about 6" long add salad made of
sliced cabbage, vinagre and lemon juice. Add chilies. sprinkle with
fresly made pork rinds (chicharon)
or as submitted by gloria: (
Se pone a hervir la yuca en agua con sal, se prepara una ensalada con
repollo,tomate, cebolla, chile y se le agrega vinagre y sal al gusto. Al
momento de servirlo se pone la yuca en pedazos por arriba el chicharron y por
ultimo se le agrega la ensalada.