Elder Beaufort Clifton Addison III Contact Info Hidden - Login
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Presidents: George Elbert Magnusson (1989 - 1991) | Keith S. Humpherys (1991 - 1994) |
Served: 1990 - 1991 |
Areas Served: Salem, Cedar City [D.L.], Monroe [D.L./Trainer], Duchesne [Exile], Word Perfect |
Companions: Mark Andersen | Brian Berrong | Jonathan Phillip Bolick | Clay Eschrich | Mark Evans | Lance John Hess | Laird Smithson |
Your Occupation: Low Wage Earner |
Spouse: None, Yet |
Comments: Mission --> Student of J.W.'s (Started College) --> Studied Hebrew & Attended Reform Judaism services --> Attended Messianic Jewish services --> Got Involved with Sacred Name Movement --> Ebionite and Karaite in Faith --> Now...
Now, I worship YHWH and guard YHWH's Torah (Law) given through Moses.
Bad translation cannot hide the core message of salvation contained in the Bible. "I set before you THIS day life and death... therefore choose life." Obey = Live Long and Prosper; Disobey = See a Shameful and Early Death
The hardest part of my search has been leaving behind friends I've made at each stop, all sincere seekers of the Way.
"When the war is over, Zion is where the party will be." --Tank |
Created: 17 Jul 1999 Modified: 17 Apr 2005 |
Last Login: 18 Apr 2005 10:23:35 AM |