| Greetings and salutations! We hope you will enjoy your visit to this site dedicated to all the missionaries who served in the Colorado Denver South Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those who served prior to 1993 in the Colorado Denver Mission are also welcome! Please feel free to browse the Alumni Database, check out the Recent News or post to the Message Board.
Be sure to let us know if we need to correct or add something. Suggestions and Comments are always welcome.
Please encourage all CDSM alumni to register so we can all stay in contact. |
"You are a great army of returned missionaries. Go forward with new zeal and determination, and through your example shine the light of the gospel in this troubled world. This is the Lord’s work in which we are engaged. God lives. Jesus is the Christ. We belong to His Church. This is my witness to you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."